No. S 85
Environmental Protection and
Management Act 1999
Environmental Protection and
Management Act 1999
(Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2025
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 76(1) of the Environmental Protection and Management Act 1999, the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order is the Environmental Protection and Management Act 1999 (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2025 and comes into operation on 1 August 2025.
Amendment of Part I of Second Schedule
2.  In the Environmental Protection and Management Act 1999, in the Second Schedule, in Part I —
(a)after the item “Lewisites”, insert —
Long‑chain perfluorocarboxylic acids (LC‑PFCAs) (chain lengths at least C9 but not exceeding C21); their salts and related compounds
Medium‑chain chlorinated paraffins (chain lengths at least C14 but not exceeding C17)
(b)replace the item “Mercury and its compounds in controlled EEE” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in controlled EEE
Controlled EEE containing mercury of not more than 0.1% maximum concentration value by weight of homogeneous material in controlled EEE.
(c)replace the item “Mercury and its compounds in batteries” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in batteries
Batteries (including batteries in button form) containing not more than 0.0005% by weight of mercury per cell.
(d)replace the item “Mercury in cold cathode fluorescent lamps and external electrode fluorescent lamps used for electronic displays” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in cold cathode fluorescent lamps, and external electrode fluorescent lamps, used for electronic displays
Mercury or any mercury compound in the following electrical and electronic measuring devices:
 Melt pressure transducers
 Melt pressure transmitters
 Melt pressure sensors
The following electrical and electronic measuring devices, if they are installed in large‑scale equipment or used for high precision measurement, where no suitable mercury free alternative is available:
 Melt pressure transducers
 Melt pressure transmitters
 Melt pressure sensors.
(e)replace the item “Mercury in fluorescent lamps (primarily for general lighting purposes)” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in fluorescent lamps used primarily for general lighting purposes
Circular fluorescent lamps or other linear fluorescent lamps, if each lamp contains not more than 10 mg of mercury per lamp;
Compact fluorescent lamps, if each lamp —
(a)has a non‑integrated ballast and contains not more than 5 mg of mercury per lamp burner; or
(b)has an integrated ballast, uses more than 30 W, and contains not more than 5 mg of mercury per lamp burner;
Triband phosphor linear fluorescent lamps, if each lamp uses less than 60 W and contains not more than 5 mg of mercury per lamp.
(f)replace the item “Mercury in high pressure mercury vapour lamps (primarily for general lighting purposes)” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in high pressure mercury vapour lamps used primarily for general lighting purposes
Mercury or any mercury compound in strain gauges to be used in plethysmographs
(g)replace the item “Mercury in switches and relays” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in switches and relays
Very high accuracy capacitance and loss measurement bridges and high frequency radio frequency switches and relays in monitoring and control instruments with a maximum mercury content of 20 mg per bridge, switch or relay, if they are used for research and development purposes.
”; and
(h)replace the item “Mercury in the following non‑electronic measuring devices” with —
Mercury or any mercury compound in the following non‑electronic measuring devices:
Non‑electronic measuring devices installed in large‑scale equipment or those used for high precision measurement, where no suitable mercury‑free alternative is available.
Mercury or any mercury compound in mercury vacuum pumps
Mercury or any mercury compound in photographic film and paper
Mercury or any mercury compound in propellant for satellites and spacecraft
Mercury or any mercury compound in tyre balancers and wheel weights
Amendment of Part II of Second Schedule
3.  In the Environmental Protection and Management Act 1999, in the Second Schedule, in Part II —
(a)replace the item “Photographic paper” with —
Photographic paper other than those containing any of the following substances as defined in Part I of this Schedule: mercury or mercury compounds;”; and
(b)replace the item “Propellants other than those containing ozone depleting substances” with —
Propellants other than those containing any of the following substances as defined in Part I of this Schedule: ozone depleting substances or (if the propellant is for satellites or spacecraft) mercury or mercury compounds;”.
Made on 27 January 2025.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Sustainability and
the Environment,
[C030/01/118; AG/LEGIS/SL/94A/2020/4]