Animals and Birds Act
(CHAPTER 7, Sections 59 and 80)
Animals and Birds (Prevention of Avian Disease in Non-Commercial Poultry) Rules
R 12
G.N. No. S 534/2006

(1st October 2007)
[12th September 2006]
1.  These Rules may be cited as the Animals and Birds (Prevention of Avian Disease in Non-Commercial Poultry) Rules.
2.  In these Rules —
“farm” has the same meaning as in the Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) Rules (R 3);
“non-commercial poultry” means any poultry that is —
(a)not kept in a farm or slaughter-house;
(b)not kept or displayed for sale in a pet shop;
(c)not exhibited in any premises in accordance with a licence issued under the Animals and Birds (Pet Shop and Exhibition) Rules (R 2); or
(d)not kept or used in a research facility in accordance with a licence issued under the Animals and Birds (Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules (R 10);
“pet shop” has the same meaning as in the Animals and Birds (Pet Shop and Exhibition) Rules (R 2);
“poultry” includes chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, quails, partridges, pheasants, domestic pigeons, guinea fowls, swans and peacocks;
“slaughter-house” has the same meaning as in the Wholesome Meat and Fish Act 1999.
[S 671/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
Keeping of non-commercial poultry
3.—(1)  Subject to paragraph (2), no person shall keep more than 10 non-commercial poultry in any premises.
(2)  Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any person, being the owner or operator of any outdoor recreational premises that is open to the public or a section of the public, who keeps in the outdoor recreational premises more than 10 non-commercial poultry if —
(a)he has obtained the approval of the Director-General for the keeping of more than 10 non-commercial poultry in the outdoor recreational premises; and
(b)all the non-commercial poultry so kept by him have been vaccinated in accordance with such requirements as the Director-General may specify.
(3)  In this rule, “outdoor recreational premises” includes any park, garden, resort or golf course.
Power to issue directive
4.—(1)  Where the Director-General or an authorised officer —
(a)is satisfied that there is an outbreak or an imminent outbreak of any avian disease; or
(b)thinks it necessary and expedient for the prevention of an outbreak or spread of any avian disease,
he may issue a directive to any person who breeds or keeps any non-commercial poultry to require the person to take such measures as may be specified in the directive for the containment, or for the prevention of an outbreak or spread, of the avian disease.
(2)  A directive under paragraph (1) may be issued in such manner as the Director-General or authorised officer thinks necessary and expedient in the circumstances for bringing it to the attention of the person who ought to have notice thereof, including —
(a)by personal delivery to the person concerned;
(b)by sending it by post to the person concerned at his usual or last known place of residence or business;
(c)by publishing it in the daily newspapers circulating in Singapore in all the official languages;
(d)by broadcasting it over the radio and television; and
(e)by any electronic means, including internet websites.
Offence and penalty
5.  Any person who —
(a)contravenes rule 3(1); or
(b)fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a directive of the Director-General or an authorised officer under rule 4(1),
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
[G.N. No. S 534/2006]