Animals and Birds Act
(Chapter 7, Section 70)
Animals and Birds (Pullorum Disease Eradication) Rules
R 7
G.N. No. S 172/1991

(30th March 1994)
[23rd April 1991]
1.  These Rules may be cited as the Animals and Birds (Pullorum Disease Eradication) Rules.
Testing and registration of farmers and hatcheries
2.  For the purpose of the eradication of pullorum disease in poultry, the Director of Primary Production or any officer authorised by him in writing shall be empowered to test poultry and register farmers and hatcheries.
Export health certificate
3.  No poultry shall be exported unless an export health certificate has been issued by the Director or an officer authorised by him.
4.—(1)  The following fees shall be payable to the Director:
(a)testing fee
$9 per 100 heads of poultry or less;
(b)export health certificate
$6 per certificate;
(c)registration fee for farm
$90 per annum; and
(d)registration fee for hatchery
$560 per annum.
(2)  The Director may, in his discretion, remit the whole or any part of such fees.