No. S 833
Air Navigation Act
Air Navigation
(101 — Unmanned Aircraft Operations)
Regulations 2019
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Air Navigation Act, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, with the approval of the Minister for Transport, makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.—(1)  These Regulations are the Air Navigation (101 — Unmanned Aircraft Operations) Regulations 2019 and, except for regulations 33 to 40, 42 and 47(2) and (3), come into operation on 2 January 2020.
(2)  Regulations 36, 37, 38 and 39 come into operation on 1 March 2020.
(3)  Regulations 42 and 47(2) and (3) come into operation on 2 April 2020.
(4)  Regulations 33, 34, 35 and 40 come into operation on 1 June 2020.
2.  Any term in these Regulations that is defined in the First Schedule has the meaning given to that term in that Schedule.
Activities excluded from permit requirements
3.  Nothing in these Regulations applies to require a person to obtain a UA operator permit or an activity permit before operating —
(a)an unmanned aircraft to fly —
(i)outside of Singapore;
(ii)indoors within a private residence in Singapore; or
(iii)indoors at an experimental site in connection with the construction or testing of that unmanned aircraft;
(b)an unmanned aircraft that has a total mass of 25 kg or less, within the person’s visual line of sight for a recreation purpose and not under any Class 2 activity permit condition;
(c)an unmanned aircraft that has a total mass of 7 kg or less, within the person’s visual line of sight for an education purpose and not under any Class 2 activity permit condition; or
(d)an unmanned aircraft for the purpose of providing training or instruction by a UATO, if the person operating the unmanned aircraft is employed or engaged by the UATO to provide the training or instruction and not under any Class 2 activity permit condition.
Made on 18 December 2019.
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore.
[LE/LGN/A1.8; AG/LEGIS/SL/6/2015/21 Vol. 3]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 3A(8) of the Air Navigation Act).