Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Changi Airport) By-laws 2009
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 68 of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Act 2009, the Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd, being the airport licensee for Changi Airport, after consulting the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and with the approval of the Minister for Transport, hereby makes the following By-laws:
Citation and commencement
1. These By-laws may be cited as the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Changi Airport) By-laws 2009 and shall come into operation on 1st July 2009.
2. In these By-laws, unless the context otherwise requires —
“aircraft stand” means an area on an apron for parking an aircraft;
“airfield driving permit” means an airfield driving permit issued by the airport licensee under by-law 67;
“airfield vehicle permit” means an airfield vehicle permit issued by the airport licensee under by-law 64;
“airport” means the Changi Airport;
“airport licensee” means the airport licensee for Changi Airport;
“airside” means the movement area of the airport and the adjacent terrain and buildings or parts thereof, access to which is controlled, but does not include the cargo handling area;
“airside management centre” means a place within the airside and from which the airport licensee has oversight over operations within the airside;
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“apron” means that part of the airport, other than the manoeuvring area, to be used for accommodating aircraft for the purposes of embarkation or disembarkation of passengers, loading or unloading of mail or cargo, or fuelling, parking or maintenance of aircraft;
“authorised person” means —
any officer or employee of the airport licensee; or
any person duly authorised by the airport licensee to act on its behalf;
“cargo handling area” means that part of the airport (other than the apron and the Airport Logistics Park of Singapore) to be used for the handling of cargo, and includes the Changi Airfreight Centre, cargo buildings, warehouses, parking places for vehicles and roads associated therewith and situated within the cargo handling area;
“Changi Airport” means the airport declared under the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Changi Airport) Notification 2009 (G.N. No. S 293/2009);
“Changi Airfreight Centre” means the cargo processing and maintenance area situated within the airport;
“Changi Airfreight Operations Centre” means a place within the Changi Airfreight Centre from which the airport licensee has oversight over airfreight operations within the Changi Airfreight Centre;
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“driver” —
in relation to a trailer, includes a driver of a vehicle by which the trailer is drawn;
where a separate person acts as a steersman of a vehicle, includes that person as well as any other person engaged in the driving of the vehicle;
includes the rider of a bicycle and any person propelling a tricycle or pushing or pulling a cart; and
in relation to a passenger loading bridge, includes the operator manning the console by which the bridge is activated,
and “drive” shall be construed accordingly;
“forklift driving permit” means a forklift driving permit issued by the airport licensee under by-law 71;
“lightweight transport machine” means any mechanically propelled or electrically operated lightweight transportation machine intended for short distance commuting and includes a buggy;
“manoeuvring area” means that part of the airport to be used for the taking off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, but does not include areas set aside to accommodate aircraft, for embarkation or disembarkation of passengers, for loading and unloading of mail or cargo, or for fuelling, parking or maintenance of aircraft;
“motor vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads;
“movement area” means that part of the airport to be used for the taking off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron;
“owner”, in relation to a vehicle which is the subject of a hiring agreement or hire purchase agreement, means the person in possession of the vehicle under that agreement;
“park” means to bring a vehicle to a stationary position and cause it to wait for any purpose other than that of immediately taking up or setting down passengers, goods or luggage;
“passenger terminal building” means a building at the airport used as a terminal for passengers arriving at or departing from the airport;
“permit” includes any permit issued under the former Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Aerodrome) Regulations (Cap. 41, Rg 2) which, by the operation of regulation 3 of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Savings and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2009 (G.N. No. S 300/2009), is deemed to have been issued under the corresponding provisions of these By-laws;
“personal mobility device” has the meaning given by the Active Mobility Act 2017;
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“road” or “roadway” does not include any road to which the Road Traffic Act 1961 applies;
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“Terminal Management Centre” means a place within a passenger terminal building and from which the airport licensee has oversight over operations in the passenger terminal building;
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“traffic sign” includes all signals, warning and other signs, directional and other posts, lines, lamps and any other devices for the guidance or direction of persons using the airport;
“vehicle” means any vehicle whether mechanically propelled or otherwise, and includes a bicycle, tricycle, cart, buggy, lightweight transport machine, trailer, forklift, tractor, passenger loading bridge and any movable equipment, and “vehicular traffic” shall be construed accordingly.
Made this 1st day of July 2009.
Chairman, Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd.