In exercise of the powers conferred by section 200 of the Casino Control Act, the Casino Regulatory Authority of Singapore, with the approval of the Minister for Home Affairs, hereby makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Casino Control (Surveillance) Regulations 2009 and shall come into operation on 23rd September 2009.
2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
“approved surveillance plan” means a surveillance plan approved by the Authority under regulation 5;
“casino premises” has the same meaning as in the Casino Control (Casino Layout) Regulations 2009 (G.N. No. S 430/2009);
“casino surveillance system” means a surveillance system for casino premises comprising all the installations, devices and equipment (whether electronic or otherwise), including video cameras, audio sensors, monitors, recorders, video printers, switches, selectors and other ancillary or related equipment, with the capability to observe, monitor and record activities within and in the immediate vicinity of those casino premises;
“performance requirements” means the objectives, standards and requirements specified in the Surveillance Code in respect of or related to the installation, operation or maintenance of a casino surveillance system by a casino operator;
“Surveillance Code” means the code of practice issued under regulation 3;
“surveillance plan”, in relation to any casino premises, means a plan showing the casino surveillance system for those casino premises;
“video recording” means any disc, magnetic tape or solid state recording device containing information by the use of which one or more series of visual images may be produced electronically and shown as a moving picture.
Made this 15th day of September 2009.
Chairman, Casino Regulatory Authority of Singapore.