Consumer Protection (Trade Descriptions and Safety Requirements) Act
(Chapter 53, Sections 3(1))
Appointment of Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Directors of Consumer Protection
N 1
(15th June 1997)
[1st April 1996]
The Minister for Trade and Industry has appointed —
the Director, Ministry of Trade and Industry, in charge of domestic trade matters, to be the Director of Consumer Protection;
the Deputy Director, Ministry of Trade and Industry, in charge of domestic trade matters, to be the Deputy Director of Consumer Protection;
the Assistant Directors, Ministry of Trade and Industry, in charge of domestic trade matters, the Director and the Chief Pharmacist of the Pharmaceutical Department, Ministry of Health and the Divisional Director and the Deputy Divisional Director, Standards Division, Singapore Productivity and Standards Board, to be the Assistant Directors of Consumer Protection;
the Economic Officers, Ministry of Trade and Industry, in charge of domestic trade matters, to be officers of Consumer Protection;
the Director, Senior Superintendent, Higher Superintendent and Superintendent of Customs and Excise (Excise, Warehousing and Documentation Branches) to be Consumer Protection Inspectors for the purposes of the Consumer Protection (Labelling of Tobacco Product Containers) Regulations (Rg 1); and
the following officers of the Consumer Product Safety Department of the Singapore Productivity and Standards Board to be officers of Consumer Protection:
the Programme Director, Deputy Programme Director and Head;
Senior Engineers and Engineers; and
Principal Technical Officers, Senior Technical Officers, Higher Technical Officers and Technical Officers.