Goods and Services Tax Act 1993 |
Goods and Services Tax (Appeals Procedure for Board of Review) Regulations 2023 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These Regulations are the Goods and Services Tax (Appeals Procedure for Board of Review) Regulations 2023 and come into operation on 21 August 2023. |
Definitions and application |
Notice of appeal and petition of appeal |
3.—(1) A notice of appeal mentioned in section 51(1) of the Act must be —
Defective notice of appeal |
4. If the Chairperson, or any Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, considers that a notice of appeal does not satisfy the requirements of regulation 3, the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson may direct the appellant to lodge a notice of appeal that satisfies the requirements of that regulation by such time and in such manner as may be directed by the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson. |
Amendment of petition of appeal |
5.—(1) An appellant may, with the consent of the appeal panel, amend the petition of appeal.
Withdrawal of appeal |
6.—(1) An appellant may at any time withdraw the appeal upon obtaining the permission of —
Case management |
7.—(1) The Chairperson, any Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, or an appeal panel may, at any time, make any order to secure the just and efficient conduct of proceedings and the determination of the appeal.
Joinder of parties |
8. The Chairperson, or any Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, may allow a joinder of parties and order that 2 or more appeals be heard together, if —
Hearing of appeals |
9.—(1) The notice of the hearing of an appeal given under section 52(1)(b) of the Act must state the composition of the appeal panel appointed to hear and determine the appeal.
Order to attend or order to produce documents |
10.—(1) Any party requiring a witness to be called to give evidence before the appeal panel must, not later than 14 days before the day fixed for the hearing, notify the secretary.
Adjournment |
11.—(1) Before the hearing of an appeal, the Chairperson, or any Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, may adjourn the hearing for any reasonable cause and may fix a new date for the hearing.
Transcription |
12.—(1) A party may make an application to the Chairperson, any Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, or the appeal panel for a hearing to be transcribed, and for a certified copy of the transcript.
Notification of decision of appeal panel |
13.—(1) The decision of an appeal panel in respect of an appeal —
Costs |
14. In awarding costs, the Board, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar or an Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court, or the Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the State Courts (as the case may be) is to take into account the principles in Order 21 of the Rules of Court 2021. |
Non‑compliance with order |
15. Where there is any failure to comply with an order or direction of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or appeal panel, the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or appeal panel may exercise all or any of the following powers:
Correction of error |
16. The following may be corrected at any time by the Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, an appeal panel or a secretary:
Presiding member of appeal panel |
17.—(1) For an appeal panel comprising a committee of the Board, the presiding member is —
Procedure for objection to member’s appointment to appeal panel |
18.—(1) Subject to these Regulations, any party is entitled to lodge with —
Record of proceedings |
19.—(1) The secretary must keep a record of any proceedings in the form directed by the Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson authorised by the Chairperson, or the appeal panel (as the case may be), including the documents submitted by parties.
Fees |
20.—(1) A petition of appeal lodged under section 51(1)(b) of the Act must be accompanied by the fee specified in item 1 of the Second Schedule.
Practice directions |
21.—(1) Subject to the provisions of the Act and these Regulations, the Board may regulate its own procedure for the conduct of an appeal.
Revocation |
22. Revoke the Goods and Services Tax (Board of Review) Regulations (Rg 3). |
Second Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Singapore. |
[MOF.LD.LD.2023.LGS.1; AG/LEGIS/SL/117A/2020/6 Vol. 1] |
(To be presented to Parliament under section 86(2) of the Goods and Services Tax Act 1993). |
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