Exhibition of navigational lights, shapes and signals
17.—(1) All vessels must exhibit —
lights and shapes required for vessels of their type and size as prescribed by the Collision Regulations; and
the signals specified in the First Schedule, where applicable.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
(2) Vessels of less than 12 metres in length, except those engaged in diving operations, when not required to exhibit the lights prescribed in rule 27 of the Collision Regulations, must exhibit an all-round white light.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
(3) It is the duty of the owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel to ensure that the vessel exhibits the lights and shapes required under this regulation.
(4) Nothing in these Regulations exonerates the owner, agent, master or crew of a vessel from the consequence of any neglect —
to carry lights or exhibit shapes;
to keep a proper look-out; or
to take any precaution which is required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the special circumstances of the case.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
Use of sound signals in port
18. The owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel must use, or permit the use of, only the sound signals specified in the International Code of Signals, the Collision Regulations or the First Schedule.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
Display of national colours
19.—(1) The master of every sea-going vessel, other than a locally licensed fishing vessel entering or leaving the port between sunrise and sunset, must cause to be displayed her national colours.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
(2) In this regulation, “sea-going vessel” means any vessel going beyond the Singapore port limits.