Annex  II
Zones, Areas And Seasonal Periods
    The zones and areas in this Annex are, in general, based on the following criteria:
not more than 10 per cent winds of force 8 Beaufort (34 knots) or more.
not more than 1 per cent winds of force 8 Beaufort (34 knots) or more. Not more than one tropical storm in 10 years in an area of 5° square in any one separate calendar month.
In certain special areas, for practical reasons, some degree of relaxation has been found acceptable.
A chart is attached to this Annex to illustrate the zones and areas defined below.
Regulation 46

Northern Winter Seasonal Zones and Area

(1)  North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zones I and II
(a)The North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zone I lies within the meridian of longitude 50°W from the coast of Greenland to latitude 45°N, thence the parallel of latitude 45°N to longitude 15°W, thence the meridian of longitude 15°W to latitude 60°N, thence the parallel of latitude 60°N to the Greenwich Meridian, thence this meridian northwards.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 16 October to 15 April
SUMMER: 16 April to 15 October
(b)The North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zone II lies within the meridian of longitude 68°30’W from the coast of the United States to latitude 40°N, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 36°N, longitude 73°W, thence the parallel of latitude 36°N to longitude 25°W and thence the rhumb line to Cape Toriñana.
Excluded from this zone are the North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zone I, the North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Area and the Baltic Sea bounded by the parallel of latitude of the Skaw in the Skagerrak. The Shetland Islands are to be considered as being on the boundary of the North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zones I and II.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 1 November to 31 March
SUMMER: 1 April to 31 October.
(2)  North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Area
The boundary of the North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Area is —
 the meridian of longitude 68°30’W from the coast of the United States to latitude 40°N, thence the rhumb line to the southernmost intersection of the meridian of longitude 61°W with the coast of Canada and thence the east coasts of Canada and the United States.
Seasonal periods:
For ships over 100 metres (328 feet) in length:
WINTER: 16 December to 15 February
SUMMER: 16 February to 15 December
For ships of 100 metres (328 feet) and under in length:
WINTER: 1 November to 31 March
SUMMER: 1 April to 31 October
(3)  North Pacific Winter Seasonal Zone
The southern boundary of the North Pacific Winter Seasonal Zone is —
 the parallel of latitude 50°N from the east coast of the USSR to the west coast of Sakhalin, thence the west coast of Sakhalin to the southern extremity of Cape Kril’on, thence the rhumb line to Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan, thence the east and south coasts of Hokkaido to longitude 145°E, thence the meridian of longitude 145°E to latitude 35°N, thence the parallel of latitude 35°N to longitude 150°W and thence the rhumb line to the southern extremity of Dall Island, Alaska.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 16 October to 15 April
SUMMER: 16 April to 15 October
Regulation 47

Southern Winter Seasonal Zone

The northern boundary of the Southern Winter Seasonal Zone is —
 the rhumb line from the east coast of the American continent at Cape Tres Puntas to the point latitude 34°S, longitude 50°W, thence the parallel of latitude 34°S to longitude 16°E, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 36°S, longitude 20°E, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 34°S, longitude 30°E, thence along the rhumb line to the point latitude 35°30′S, longitude 118°E, and thence the rhumb line to Cape Grim on the north-west coast of Tasmania; thence along the north and east coasts of Tasmania to the southernmost point of Bruny Island, thence the rhumb line to Black Rock Point on Stewart Island, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 47°S, longitude 170°E, thence along the rhumb line to the point latitude 33°S, longitude 170°W, and thence the parallel of latitude 33°S to the point latitude 33°S, longitude 79°W, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 41°S, longitude 75°W, thence the rhumb line to Punta Corona lighthouse on Chiloe Island, latitude 41°47′S, longitude 73°53′W, thence along the north, east and south coasts of Chiloe Island to the point latitude 43°20′S, longitude 74°20′W, and thence the meridian of longitude 74°20′W to the parallel of latitude 45°45′S, including the inner zone of Chiloe channels from the meridian 74°20′W to the east.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 16 April to 15 October
SUMMER: 16 October to 15 April
[S 834/2013 wef 01/01/2014]
Regulation 48

Tropical Zone

(1)  Northern Boundary of the Tropical Zone
The northern boundary of the Tropical Zone is —
 the parallel of latitude 13°N from the east coast of the American continent to longitude 60°W, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 10°N, longitude 58°W, thence the parallel of latitude 10°N to longitude 20°W, thence the meridian of longitude 20°W to latitude 30°N and thence the parallel of latitude 30°N to the west coast of Africa; from the east coast of Africa the parallel of latitude 8°N to longitude 70°E, thence the meridian of longitude 70°E to latitude 13°N, thence the parallel of latitude 13°N to the west coast of India; thence the south coast of India to latitude 10°30’N on the east coast of India, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 9°N, longitude 82°E, thence the meridian of longitude 82°E to latitude 8°N, thence the parallel of latitude 8°N to the west coast of Malaysia, thence the coast of South-East Asia to the east coast of Viet-Nam at latitude 10°N, thence the parallel of latitude 10°N to longitude 145°E, thence the meridian of longitude 145°E to latitude 13°N and thence the parallel of latitude 13°N to the west coast of the American continent.
 Saigon is to be considered as being on the boundary line of the Tropical Zone and the Seasonal Tropical Area.
(2)  Southern Boundary of the Tropical Zone
 The southern boundary of the Tropical Zone is —
 the rhumb line from the Port of Santos, Brazil, to the point where the meridian of longitude 40°W intersects the Tropic of Capricorn; thence the Tropic of Capricorn to the west coast of Africa; from the east coast of Africa the parallel of latitude 20°S to the west coast of Madagascar, thence the west and north coasts of Madagascar to longitude 50°E, thence the meridian of longitude 50°E to latitude 10°S, thence the parallel of latitude 10°S to longitude 98°E, thence the rhumb line to Port Darwin, Australia, thence the coasts of Australia and Wessel Island eastwards to Cape Wessel, thence the parallel of latitude 11°S to the west side of Cape York; from the east side of Cape York the parallel of latitude 11°S to longitude 150°W, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 26°S, longitude 75°W, thence the rhumb line to the point latitude 32°47’S, longitude 72°W, and thence to the parallel of latitude 32°47’S to the west coast of South America.
    Valparaiso and Santos are to be considered as being on the boundary line of the Tropical and Summer Zones.
(3)  Areas to be included in the Tropical Zone
The following areas are to be treated as included in the Tropical Zone —
(a)The Suez Canal, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, from Port Said to the meridian of longitude 45°E.
Aden and Berbera are to be considered as being on the boundary line of the Tropical Zone and the Seasonal Tropical Area.
(b)The Persian Gulf to the meridian of longitude 59°E.
(c)The area bounded by the parallel of latitude 22°S from the east coast of Australia to the Great Barrier Reef, thence the Great Barrier Reef to latitude 11°S. The northern boundary of the area is the southern boundary of the Tropical Zone.
Regulation 49

Seasonal Tropical Areas

The following are Seasonal Tropical Areas:
(1)  In the North Atlantic
An Area bounded —
 on the north by the rhumb line from Cape Catoche, Yucatan, to Cape San Antonio, Cuba, the north coast of Cuba to latitude 20°N and thence the parallel of latitude 20°N to longitude 20°W; on the west by the coast of the American continent; on the south and east by the northern boundary of the Tropical Zone.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 November to 15 July
SUMMER: 16 July to 31 October
(2)  In the Arabian Sea
An area bounded —
 on the west by the coast of Africa, the meridian of longitude 45°E in the Gulf of Aden, the coast of South Arabia and the meridian of longitude 59°E in the Gulf of Oman; on the north and east by the coasts of Pakistan and India; on the south by the northern boundary of the Tropical Zone.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 September to 31 May
SUMMER: 1 June to 31 August
(3)  In the Bay of Bengal
The Bay of Bengal north of the northern boundary of the Tropical Zone.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 December to 30 April
SUMMER: 1 May to 30 November
(4)  In the South Indian Ocean
(a)An area bounded —
 on the north and west by the southern boundary of the Tropical Zone and the east coast of Madagascar;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude 20°S;
 on the east by the rhumb line from the point latitude 20°S, longitude 50°E, to the point latitude 15°S, longitude 51°30’E, and thence by the meridian of longitude 51°30’E to latitude 10°S.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 April to 30 November
SUMMER: 1 December to 31 March
(b)An area bounded —
 on the north by the southern boundary of the Tropical Zone;
 on the east by the coast of Australia;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude 15°S from longitude 51°30’E, to longitude 114°E and thence the meridian of longitude 114°E to the coast of Australia;
 on the west by the meridian of longitude 51°30’E.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 May to 30 November
SUMMER: 1 December to 30 April
(5)  In the China Sea
An area bounded —
 on the west and north by the coasts of Viet-Nam and China from latitude 10°N to Hong Kong;
 on the east by the rhumb line from Hong Kong to the Port of Sual (Luzon Island) and the west coasts of the Islands of Luzon, Samar and Leyte to latitude 10°N;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude 10°N;
 Hong Kong and Sual are to be considered as being on the boundary of the Seasonal Tropical Area and Summer Zone.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 21 January to 30 April
SUMMER: 1 May to 20 January
(6)  In the North Pacific
(a)An area bounded —
 on the north by the parallel of latitude 25°N;
 on the west by the meridian of longitude 160°E;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude 13°N;
 on the east by the meridian of longitude 130°W.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 April to 31 October
SUMMER: 1 November to 31 March
(b)An area bounded —
 on the north and east by the west coast of the American continent;
 on the west by the meridian of longitude 123°W from the coast of the American continent to latitude 33°N and by the rhumb line from the point latitude 33°N, longitude 123°W, to the point latitude 13°N, longitude 105°W;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude 10°N.
Seasonal periods:
1 March to 30 June and
1 November to 30 November
1 July to 31 October and
1 December to 28/29 February
(7)  In the South Pacific
(a)The Gulf of Carpentaria south of latitude 11°S.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 April to 30 November
SUMMER: 1 December to 31 March
(b)An area bounded —
 on the north and east by the southern boundary of the Tropical Zone;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude of 24°S from the east coast of Australia to longitude 154°E, thence by the meridian of longitude 154°E to the Tropic of Capricorn and thence by the Tropic of Capricorn to longitude 150°W, thence by the meridian of longitude 150°W to latitude 20°S and thence by the parallel of latitude 20°S to the point where it intersects the southern boundary of the Tropical Zone; and
 on the west by the boundaries of the area within the Great Barrier Reef included in the Tropical Zone and by the east coast of Australia.
Seasonal periods:
TROPICAL: 1 April to 30 November
SUMMER: 1 December to 31 March
[S 12/2005 wef 06/01/2005]
Regulation 50

Summer Zones

The remaining areas constitute the Summer Zones.
However, for ships of 100 metres (328 feet) and under in length, the area bounded —
 on the north and west by the east coast of the United States;
 on the east by the meridian of longitude 68°30’W from the coast of the United States to latitude 40°N and thence by the rhumb line to the point latitude 36°N, longitude 73°W; on the south by the parallel of latitude 36°N; is a Winter Seasonal Area.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 1 November to 31 March
SUMMER: 1 April to 31 October
Regulation 51

Enclosed Seas

(1)  Baltic Sea
 This sea bounded by the parallel of latitude of The Skaw in the Skagerrak is included in the Summer Zones.
 However, for ships of 100 metres (328 feet) and under in length, it is a Winter Seasonal Area.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 1 November to 31 March
SUMMER: 1 April to 31 October
(2)  Black Sea
 This sea is included in the Summer Zones.
 However, for ships of 100 metres (328 feet) and under in length, the area north of latitude 44°N is a Winter Seasonal Area.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 1 December to 28/29 February
SUMMER: 1 March to 30 November
(3)  Mediterranean
 This sea is included in the Summer Zones.
 However, for ships of 100 metres (328 feet) and under in length, the area bounded —
 on the north and west by the coasts of France and Spain and the meridian of longitude 3°E from the coast of Spain to latitude 40°N;
 on the south by the parallel of latitude 40°N from longitude 3°E to the west coast of Sardinia;
 on the east by the west and north coasts of Sardinia from latitude 40°N to longitude 9°E, thence by the meridian of longitude 9°E to the south coast of Corsica, thence by the west and north coasts of Corsica to longitude 9°E and thence by the rhumb line to Cape Sicié; is a Winter Seasonal Area.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 16 December to 15 March
SUMMER: 16 March to 15 December
(4)  Sea of Japan
 This sea south of latitude 50°N is included in the Summer Zones.
 However, for ships of 100 metres (328 feet) and under in length, the area between the parallel of latitude 50°N and the rhumb line from the east coast of Korea at latitude 38°N to the west coast of Hokkaido, Japan, at latitude 43°12’N is a Winter Seasonal Area.
Seasonal periods:
WINTER: 1 December to 28/29 February
SUMMER: 1 March to 30 November
Regulation 52

The Winter North Atlantic Load Line

The part of the North Atlantic referred to in regulation 40(6) (Annex I) comprises:
(a)that part of the North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zone II which lies between the meridians of 15°W and 50°W;
(b)the whole of the North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zone I, the Shetland Islands to be considered as being on the boundary.
[S 12/2005 wef 06/01/2005]