Ngee Ann Polytechnic Act |
Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Staff — Conduct and Discipline) Rules |
R 4 |
(25th March 1992) |
[10th September 1982] |
Citation |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Staff — Conduct and Discipline) Rules. |
Definition |
2. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires —
Staff Disciplinary Committee |
Disciplinary action by Principal |
3A.—(1) Where a complaint is made to the Principal or any information comes to his knowledge that an employee has or may have committed an act which, if established, would constitute any of the disciplinary offences specified in the Schedule, the Principal shall appoint one or more authorised persons to conduct a preliminary investigation into the complaint or information.
Appeal to Staff Disciplinary Committee |
3B.—(1) Where an employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the Principal under rule 3A(6)(b), he may lodge an appeal with the Staff Disciplinary Committee within 14 days of the decision —
Action by Staff Disciplinary Committee |
4.—(1) The Staff Disciplinary Committee may, after considering the report of investigation referred by the Principal under rule 3A(6)(c), cause proceedings to be taken under this rule and rules 5 to 12. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003]
Rights of employee and procedure |
5.—(1) The employee shall be given not less than 7 days’ notice in writing of the date on which the committee of inquiry will commence its inquiry and the employee shall attend the inquiry and shall be permitted to —
Adjournments |
6.—(1) The committee of inquiry shall proceed with its inquiry from day to day and no adjournment shall be given except for reasons to be recorded in writing. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003]
Absence of member of committee |
7. The committee of inquiry may in its discretion conduct proceedings under these Rules notwithstanding the absence, temporary or otherwise, of one of its members and the validity of the proceedings shall not be challenged on this ground. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003] |
Attempts to hamper inquiry |
8.—(1) If the committee of inquiry is satisfied that the employee under inquiry is hampering or attempting to hamper the progress of the inquiry, it shall administer a warning to the employee. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003]
Report to Staff Disciplinary Committee |
9. The committee of inquiry shall, within 14 days of the conclusion of the proceedings or such further period as the Staff Disciplinary Committee may allow, report to the Staff Disciplinary Committee through the Principal. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003] |
Decision of Staff Disciplinary Committee |
10. The Staff Disciplinary Committee may, upon considering the report of the committee of inquiry, if it is of the opinion —
Further hearing |
11.—(1) The Staff Disciplinary Committee may require the committee of inquiry to reconvene to consider further evidence and to meet for that purpose. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003]
Failure to furnish exculpatory statement |
12.—(1) Where the employee fails to furnish an exculpatory statement within the time prescribed by rule 4(3), he shall be informed in writing by the Staff Disciplinary Committee that if he fails to furnish an exculpatory statement within such further period, which shall not be less than 21 days from the date of the first communication of the charge to him, as the Staff Disciplinary Committee may allow, the Staff Disciplinary Committee may proceed to determine the matter in accordance with paragraph (2).
Appeal to Council |
13.—(1) Any employee may, within one month of the notice of the decision of the Staff Disciplinary Committee to dismiss him or to reduce his rank under rule 10 or 12, appeal against the decision to the Council.
Dissolution of committee of inquiry |
14. The committee of inquiry shall only be dissolved upon a signification to that effect communicated to its members by the Staff Disciplinary Committee. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003] |
Interdiction |
15.—(1) Where criminal proceedings or disciplinary proceedings for the dismissal of an employee or his reduction in rank are being instituted against him, the Principal may, after consulting the Staff Disciplinary Committee, forthwith interdict the employee from the exercise of the powers and functions of his office. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003]
Criminal proceedings |
16. If criminal proceedings are instituted against an employee, proceedings under these Rules for his dismissal on any grounds relating to the alleged criminal offence shall not be taken until —
Conviction |
17.—(1) The Staff Disciplinary Committee may, where an employee is convicted of a criminal offence, consider the record of the proceedings of the court and it may, if it is of the opinion that the employee should be dismissed or reduced in rank or otherwise punished, punish the employee accordingly after he has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
Withholding of increment |
18.—(1) Where disciplinary proceedings are being instituted against an employee, the Staff Disciplinary Committee may without interdicting the employee withhold any increment due to the employee during the interval before the disciplinary proceedings are completed.
Prohibition on resignation |
19. An employee against whom disciplinary proceedings are instituted under these Rules shall not, without the permission of the Staff Disciplinary Committee, resign during the interval before the disciplinary proceedings are completed. |
Financial penalties to be paid to Polytechnic |
20. Any financial penalty imposed by the Principal, the Staff Disciplinary Committee or the Council under these Rules shall be paid to the Polytechnic. [S 71/2003 wef 14/02/2003] |
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