Prisons Act |
Prisons (Lock-ups in Specified Court Houses) Regulations 2011 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Prisons (Lock-ups in Specified Court Houses) Regulations 2011 and shall come into operation on 31st October 2011. |
Definitions |
2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
Application |
General charge and administration of lock-ups |
4.—(1) The general charge and administration of court house lock-ups, and the control of officers in charge of or attached to a court house lock-up, shall be vested in the Director.
Condition of cells in lock-ups |
5. The officer-in-charge shall —
Duties |
6. A prison officer shall be detailed daily by the officer-in-charge to ensure that —
Meals |
7.—(1) Every lock-up prisoner shall be provided with food —
Lock-up prisoners with illness |
8. The officer-in-charge shall without delay refer to a medical officer or a registered medical practitioner any case where a lock-up prisoner is believed to be suffering from any illness or mental disorder. |
Notification of death |
9. The officer-in-charge shall, upon the death of any lock-up prisoner —
Maintenance of records |
10. A record of each lock-up prisoner confined in a court house lock-up shall be prepared and maintained in such manner and in such form and medium as approved by the Director. |
Search of lock-up prisoners |
11.—(1) A lock-up prisoner may be physically searched by authorised officers except that a female lock-up prisoner shall only be searched by authorised officers who are female.
Visitors may be searched |
12.—(1) Every visitor to a court house lock-up shall —
Separation of lock-up prisoners |
13.—(1) The officer-in-charge may order the separation of lock-up prisoners in the interest of the safe custody, security and good order of the court house lock-up.
Clothing |
14. Every lock-up prisoner shall, where required by the officer-in-charge, wear such clothing as the officer-in-charge may specify. |
Lock-up prisoners with special needs |
15. Any lock-up prisoner who is assessed by the officer-in-charge to have special needs, or conditions that warrant enhanced attention, shall be accorded with custodial arrangements based on the corresponding specific needs or conditions, so as to ensure his safety and the safety of the other lock-up prisoners. |
Use of force |
16.—(1) Any authorised officer may use force according to guidelines approved by the Director if it is necessary for the security and good order of the court house lock-up or for the safety and welfare of the lock-up prisoners or other persons therein.
Firearms |
17. Unless otherwise approved by the Director, no firearm shall be carried by any authorised officer within any court house lock-up. |
Restraints |
18.—(1) Restraints may be employed to prevent any lock-up prisoner from inflicting injury to himself or to another person, damaging property, creating any disturbance or escaping.
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore. |
[MHA 112/2/044; AG/LLRD/SL/247/2010/5 Vol. 1] |
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