Paragraph 2 |
Exempt assemblies |
1. A public assembly held in the Botanic Gardens with the written permission of the National Parks Board. |
2. A public assembly held in connection with a wedding or a funeral held —
3. A public assembly held in connection with any sporting competition or activity (other than horse racing or dog racing) in a stadium, sports complex or other sporting facility that is open to the general public. |
5. A public assembly in a place of public resort for the purpose for which the place is licensed under the Public Entertainments and Meetings Act (Cap. 257). |
6. A public assembly held in connection with any public entertainment that is licensed under the Public Entertainments and Meetings Act. |
7. A public assembly held solely for the purpose of any celebration of the Seventh Month Festival of the Chinese Lunar calendar —
8. A public assembly held by or under the direction or control of the Government. |
9.—(1) A public assembly of the description prescribed in sub-paragraph (2) held by or under the direction or control of —
10. A public assembly comprising wholly or partly of a workshop or lecture organised by The Esplanade Co. Ltd. in any place to which the public or any class of the public has access, whether gratuitously or otherwise. |
11. A press conference in any public place. |
12.—(1) A public assembly held on the day of nomination (except 30 June 2020) at an election under the Parliamentary Elections Act (Cap. 218) around a place of nomination for that election —
13. A public assembly held on the day of nomination (except 30 June 2020) at an election under the Parliamentary Elections Act after the close of nomination proceedings at such part within a place of nomination for that election as the Returning Officer or an Assistant Returning Officer may designate —
14.—(1) A public assembly held on nomination day at an election under the Presidential Elections Act (Cap. 240A) around a nomination place for that election —
15. A public assembly held on nomination day at an election under the Presidential Elections Act after the close of nomination proceedings at such part within the nomination place for that election as the Returning Officer may designate —
16. A public assembly not wholly inside a building or other enclosed premises —
17. A public assembly wholly inside a building or other enclosed premises and not comprising a talk or lecture, and —