Road Traffic Act |
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Lighting) Rules |
R 10 |
(25th March 1992) |
[1st January 1975] |
Citation |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Lighting) Rules. |
Definitions |
General powers of Registrar or authorised officer |
2A.—(1) The Registrar or an authorised officer may, by notice, require the owner of a vehicle to furnish evidence that the vehicle complies with all or any of the provisions of these Rules.
[S 466/2017 wef 24/08/2017] |
Lamps to be fitted on or to a vehicle |
3. In the case of a vehicle of a description specified in column 1 of the Schedule the type of lamps specified in column 2 of the Schedule and the number thereof specified in column 3 of the Schedule in relation to that description of vehicle shall be fixed on the vehicle in accordance with the requirements with respect to the lateral position of those lamps, their maximum height from the ground and otherwise, which are specified in relation to that description of vehicle in columns 4, 5 and 6 of the Schedule. |
Lights to be carried by vehicles at night |
4.—(1) Subject to these Rules, every vehicle on a road shall during the hours of darkness carry —
Lamps to be lit during hours of darkness |
5.—(1) When any motor vehicle is in motion during the hours of darkness on a length of road, every lamp required to be carried by the motor vehicle by virtue of these Rules shall be kept lit.
Headlamps to be switched off while vehicle is stationary |
6. No headlamp carried by a vehicle shall be kept lit while the vehicle is stationary on a road:
Automatic headlamp switch-on device |
6A.—(1) Every motor cycle first registered in Singapore on or after 1st November 1997 shall be equipped with a device that is constructed to cause the headlamp of the motor cycle —
Maintenance of lamps |
7. Every lamp fitted to or on a motor vehicle shall be kept unobscured and in a clean and efficient condition. |
Internal illumination |
8. Except with the approval of the Registrar, no vehicle shall have fitted in its interior any lamp visible to an observer to the front or to the rear of the vehicle unless such lamp is necessary for the purpose of internal illumination of the vehicle. |
Additional lamps on breakdown vehicles |
9.—(1) One or more lamps showing an amber light may be carried on a breakdown vehicle.
Special lights on breakdown vehicles |
10.—(1) A breakdown vehicle may carry one or more lamps showing a white light which comply with paragraph (2) for the purposes of illuminating the scene of an accident or breakdown.
Special lights on vehicles used for fire brigade, etc., purposes |
11.—(1) A lamp showing a light of such colour as may be approved by the Registrar may be carried on an authorised ambulance or a motor vehicle used for fire brigade or police purposes or a vehicle owned by a police officer or a fire service officer or a civil defence officer and used by him in the execution of his duties. [S 1051/2021 wef 03/01/2022]
Special lights on public service vehicles |
12.—(1) A public service vehicle which is more than 2½ metres in height may carry on the foremost and topmost part of the vehicle not less than two nor more than 5 lamps each showing, when lit, a diffused light of a colour approved by the Registrar.
No additional lamp to be fitted on vehicle |
13. Except as provided by these Rules or any other rule made under this Act no person shall, without the permission of the Registrar, cause or permit any lamp which is visible to an observer on a road to be fitted to or on a vehicle unless such lamp is at all times prevented from showing a light by means of a cover fitted thereon. |
Markings on electric bulbs in lamps |
14. Every electric bulb in a lamp required to be fitted on or to a motor vehicle by virtue of these Rules shall have the wattage thereof indelibly marked upon the glass or the metal cap thereof in a readily legible manner. |
Character of headlamp |
15.—(1) Every headlamp required to be carried by a motor vehicle by virtue of these Rules shall, when lit, show to the front of the vehicle a white light visible from a reasonable distance.
Headlamp and headlamp levelling device |
15A.—(1) Every high intensity gas-discharge headlamp or LED headlamp fitted on or to a motor vehicle to which this rule applies shall be installed in such a manner as to comply with —
[S 142/2021 wef 08/03/2021]
[S 142/2021 wef 08/03/2021] |
Movement of matched pair of headlamps |
16. The beam of light emitted from a matched pair of headlamps fitted to a motor vehicle may be deflected to either side by the movement of, although not necessarily through the same angle as the front wheels of the vehicle when turned for the purpose of steering the vehicle, if the centre of any headlamp of the pair is not more than one metre from the ground. |
Wattage of headlamp |
17. The rated wattage of the electric bulb or the total rated wattage of all the bulbs with which a headlamp is fitted shall not be less than —
Character of front lamps |
18.—(1) Every front lamp fitted on or to a vehicle shall, when lit, show a white light to the front of the vehicle except that if the front lamp also serves as a device for signalling the driver’s intention to change the direction of travel it shall show an amber light.
Character of rear lamps |
19.—(1) Every rear lamp fitted on or to a vehicle shall, when lit, show a red diffused light to the rear of the vehicle.
Illuminated area of front lamp, rear lamp, etc. |
20.—(1) Every —
Prohibition on movement of light emitted from lamp |
21. Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, no light shown by a vehicle, other than a dipping headlight, shall be moved by swivelling, deflecting or otherwise while the vehicle is in motion. |
Restrictions on the nature of lamps fitted on or to a vehicle |
22.—(1) No vehicle shall, subject to these Rules, show —
Fog lamp on vehicle |
23.—(1) Except as permitted by this rule, no fog lamp may be fitted to a motor vehicle.
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