Road Traffic Act |
Road Traffic Rules |
R 20 |
G.N. No. S 171/1981 |
(30th September 1999) |
[25th May 1981] |
Citation |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Road Traffic Rules. |
Definitions |
1A. In these Rules —
Drivers to give signals |
Vehicle to be driven on part of road between centre and left-hand edge of roadway |
3. Every vehicle shall ordinarily be driven on that part of a road which lies between the centre thereof and the left-hand edge of the roadway; and shall, when overtaking any vehicle, except in those cases specifically referred to in these Rules, only do so in such manner as to leave the vehicle overtaken on its left or near side and to avoid causing inconvenience or danger to any person or other vehicle. |
Vehicle overtaking and passing another |
4. The driver of a vehicle who intends to overtake and pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction may, if he sees the driver of the latter vehicle make the signal to turn to the right or left as required by rule 2 and take the position required by rule 7, overtake and pass the said vehicle on its left or right side. |
Vehicle to keep close to left-hand edge of roadway |
5.—(1) Every vehicle which is moving at a slow rate of speed shall be driven as close to the left-hand side of the roadway as possible.
Vehicle not to obstruct other vehicles at road intersection or junction |
6. Every vehicle arriving at a controlled intersection or junction of roads which does not intend to turn right or left at the intersection or junction shall, on being released, move forward straight across such intersection or junction in such a manner as not to obstruct any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction on either side of such vehicle. |
Positioning of vehicle before making a turn at road intersection or junction |
7. The driver or rider of a vehicle who intends to turn to the right at an intersection or junction of roads shall, before reaching such intersection or junction and as opportunity offers, move into the appropriate lane as indicated by the directional arrows to turn right and any driver or rider of a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall, as opportunity offers, move into the appropriate lane as indicated by the directional arrows to turn left. |
Vehicle making right turn at road intersection or junction |
8.—(1) The driver or rider of a vehicle stationary at or approaching a controlled intersection or junction of roads and wishing to turn to the right shall, as soon as the intersection or junction is open to the vehicle, move forward as near as possible to the centre of the intersection or junction and await a safe opportunity to complete the turn to the right.
Vehicle making left turn at controlled road intersection or junction |
9.—(1) No driver or rider of a vehicle shall turn to the left at a controlled intersection or junction of roads when the signal facing such vehicle closes such intersection or junction, unless specifically permitted by these Rules so to turn.
Vehicle to draw up or stop parallel and close to left-hand side of roadway |
10.—(1) No person in charge of any vehicle shall draw up or stop the vehicle in any road except parallel with and close to the edge of the left-hand side of the roadway and facing the direction in which the traffic may lawfully move —
[S 211/2002 wef 10/05/2002]
Vehicle at uncontrolled road intersection or junction |
11.—(1) The driver or rider of a vehicle arriving at an uncontrolled intersection or junction of roads shall give way to any vehicle approaching him from his right or offside.
Ambulance, fire engine, etc., to have right of way |
12.—(1) Any vehicle used as an ambulance, or as a fire engine or for military, police, civil defence or customs purposes shall, when on an urgent duty call, have the right of way over all other traffic if such vehicle makes known its approach by means of some distinctive siren, bell or multi-toned horn, as the case may be.
No vehicle to make U-turn at road intersection or junction |
13.—(1) No driver or rider of any vehicle shall make a U-turn at any road intersection, road junction or opening in a road divider unless he is permitted to do so by a road sign.
Load on vehicle not to obstruct sight of driver |
14. No part of a load or any covering placed over the load on a vehicle while it is on a road shall —
15. [Deleted by S 635/2010 wef 01/11/2010] |
16. [Deleted by S 635/2010 wef 01/11/2010] |
Load projecting laterally on vehicles to have red flag or lamp affixed |
17. Whenever a load or any covering placed over a load that is being transported on a vehicle projects laterally beyond the body or wheels of the vehicle or any authorised fitting permanently attached to the vehicle, a red flag by day and a red lamp by night shall be affixed to the extreme lateral projection (if any) and the extreme rear end of such load so as to be clearly visible and give adequate warning to other road users. [S 635/2010 wef 01/11/2010] |
Load on vehicles to be secured by ropes or other proper material |
18. Whenever it is necessary to prevent the contents from falling out, the load on any vehicle on a road shall be secured by ropes or other proper material. |
Side boards and tail board to be secured |
19. No vehicle shall be used on a road unless its side boards and tail board (if any) are adequately secured so as to prevent them from swinging or projecting beyond the body or wheels of the vehicle or of any authorised fitting permanently attached to the vehicle. |
Signals, other than those required under rule 2, to be used in certain circumstances |
20. Whenever the size or construction of any vehicle or the size or nature of a load or of any covering over the load on such vehicle is such that the signals required by rule 2 when given are not fully visible to traffic approaching from the rear, a stop light and a direction indicator of an approved type as prescribed in the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Construction and Use) Rules (R 9), capable of indicating the intention of the driver of such vehicle, shall be affixed to the vehicle in such a position that the device is clearly visible to traffic approaching from the rear and shall be used to give the signals for stopping and turning to the right or left. |
No vehicle to be left unattended without rendering it immovable |
21. No vehicle which is on a public road or street shall be left unattended unless it is rendered immovable by the application of brakes or by some other sufficient means. |
Restriction on parking of vehicles on roads |
22. No person shall park a vehicle —
Restriction on repairing of vehicles on roads |
23. No person shall repair a vehicle or permit a vehicle to be repaired on a road except in the case of an accident or a sudden breakdown where minor repair on the spot is necessary to enable the vehicle to be moved. |
Restriction on stopping or parking of vehicles at taxi stops and taxi stands |
24. A person must not stop or park any vehicle other than a taxi at a taxi stop or taxi stand. [S 365/2016 wef 29/07/2016] |
Restrictions on parking of vehicles within Demerit Points No Parking Zone |
24A. No person shall park any vehicle within a Demerit Points No Parking Zone. [S 365/2016 wef 29/07/2016] |
Restrictions on stopping of vehicles within Demerit Points No Stopping Zone |
24B. No person shall stop any vehicle within a Demerit Points No Stopping Zone. [S 365/2016 wef 29/07/2016] |
Restriction on stopping or parking of vehicles to load and unload goods |
25. No person shall stop or park any vehicle on any part of a road which is marked by perpendicular yellow lines for the purpose of loading or unloading goods —
Causing obstruction to vehicles proceeding along road junction |
26. Any person who drives or rides, or turns a vehicle or part thereof into a yellow box indicated by yellow lines connecting the 4 corners of —
Vehicles to give way to and not to obstruct buses entering, etc., Bus Give-Way Box |
26A.—(1) Where —
No standing in carriageway at bus stop, bus terminus, taxi stand or taxi stop |
26B. A person must not stand on or be present in any part of an area of a carriageway at a bus stop, bus terminus, taxi stand or taxi stop if —
[S 365/2016 wef 29/07/2016] |
No unauthorised persons in bus park area |
26C.—(1) A person must not at any time be present in any part of a bus terminus or bus interchange —
[S 365/2016 wef 29/07/2016] |
Vehicles used in connection with road works to carry red flags or lamps to ensure safety |
27. Every vehicle used in connection with any road works shall carry sufficient red flags by day and sufficient red lamps by night to ensure the safety of road users and such flags or lamps shall be placed near the vehicle in such positions as to give adequate warning to approaching traffic. |
No vehicle to be driven, parked or ridden on footway of road |
28.—(1) No vehicle, unless and to the extent excepted under paragraph (2) or (3), shall be driven, parked or ridden on the footway of a road. [S 190/2012 wef 11/05/2012] [S 246/2018 wef 01/05/2018]
29. [Deleted by S 715/2019 wef 01/11/2019] |
No vehicle to be washed or cleaned on road |
30. No person shall wash or clean or cause or permit to be washed or cleaned any vehicle on a road. |
No collection of persons to obstruct or prevent free flow of traffic |
31. No crowd or collection of persons shall remain in any road so as to obstruct or prevent the free flow of traffic. |
Animals on road or footway |
32.—(1) No person shall —
Portable warning sign to be carried by heavy motor vehicle |
33.—(1) No person shall drive or cause to be driven on a road a heavy motor vehicle unless there is carried on that vehicle a portable warning sign of a type approved by the Deputy Commissioner of Police. [S 42/2015 wef 01/02/2015]
No vehicle to display mark for chauffeured private hire car |
34.—(1) A person must not affix or cause to be affixed, or display or cause to be displayed, on any vehicle that is not a chauffeured private hire car, a decalcomania or other label bearing the chauffeured private hire car marking for chauffeured private hire cars set out in the Fifth Schedule to the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) Rules (R 14).
[S 363/2017 wef 01/07/2017] |
Motor cyclists to switch on headlamps when riding |
35.—(1) The rider of a motor cycle shall keep the headlamp of his motor cycle lit whenever the motor cycle is in motion.
Restriction on carriage of child pillion passengers |
36. No person riding a motor cycle or scooter on a road shall carry any child below 10 years of age as a pillion passenger. |
Prescribed breath alcohol analyser |
37. For the purposes of sections 70 and 71A of the Act, the prescribed breath alcohol analyser is the Drager Alcotest 9510 SG. [S 42/2015 wef 01/02/2015] [S 77/2017 wef 01/03/2017] |
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