Compliance with instructions
11.  Every person while on the railway premises shall comply with all notices, signs and all reasonable directions and instructions of any authorised person.
11A.  [Deleted by S 509/2010 wef 13/09/2010]
No entry into train when it is full
12.  Without prejudice to regulation 11, where any authorised person determines that a train is full, no person shall enter or remain in the train if directed not to do so by him.
13.  [Deleted by S 628/2003 wef 01/01/2004]
No consumption of food or drinks
14.  No person shall —
(a)consume or attempt to consume any food or drinks while in or upon any part of the railway premises except in such places as are designated for this purpose by the Authority or its licensee; or
(b)consume or attempt to consume any chewing gum or bubble gum while in or upon any part of the railway premises.
Spitting, littering and soiling prohibited
15.—(1)  No person shall spit on any part of the railway premises.
(2)  No person shall —
(a)place or throw any litter; or
(b)place or throw any chewing gum,
upon any part of the railway premises, or into or on any fittings, equipment or property upon the railway premises, whether belonging to the Authority or its licensee or placed therein with the approval of the Authority or its licensee, except into receptacles expressly provided for that purpose.
(3)  No person shall soil any part of the railway premises, or any fittings, equipment or property upon the railway premises, whether belonging to the Authority or its licensee or placed therein with the approval of the Authority or its licensee.
[S 628/2003 wef 01/01/2004]
16.  [Deleted by S 628/2003 wef 01/01/2004]
Passenger not to cause nuisance
17.  No person shall conduct himself on any train or in any part of the railway premises so as to cause a nuisance or annoyance to other passengers.
Loitering prohibited
18.  No person, not being a passenger or having business in or in connection with the Authority or its licensee or its tenant, shall loiter or remain in or upon any part of the railway premises.
Missiles, etc., not to be thrown on or from railway premises
19.  No person shall throw, drop or deposit, or cause to be thrown, dropped or deposited on, into or from the railway premises any missile or thing capable of injuring, damaging, endangering or inconveniencing any person or property.
Certain areas of train not accessible to passengers
20.  No person, other than an authorised person, shall mount or enter or attempt to mount or enter any train or part thereof, except on such part as is provided for the carriage of passengers.
Hawking, begging, touting, etc., prohibited
21.  No person, while in or upon the railway premises shall, without the written permission of the Authority or its licensee —
(a)tout or solicit alms, rewards or employment of any description;
(b)sell or offer for sale any article or goods, or carry on any business; or
(c)display, exhibit or distribute any book or printed, written or pictorial matter or any such samples for the purpose of advertising or publicity.