O. 1, r. 2(2), (3)(b) and (6)
Saving and Transitional Provisions
1.  Despite Order 1, Rule 2(1), unless the Court otherwise directs and subject to any written law, the Rules of Court (R 5) (called the revoked Rules) as in force immediately before 1 April 2022 (called the relevant date) continue to apply to and in relation to —
(a)any proceedings commenced by writ of summons or originating summons in the General Division (including the Singapore International Commercial Court) before the relevant date, until the disposal of those proceedings by the General Division (including the Singapore International Commercial Court), including any application to the General Division for an order transferring those proceedings to a District Court or a Magistrate’s Court (called in this paragraph a transfer order);
(b)the subsequent proceedings in the District Court or Magistrate’s Court (as the case may be) pursuant to a transfer order;
(c)any proceedings commenced by writ of summons or originating summons in a District Court or a Magistrate’s Court before the relevant date, including —
(i)any application to the General Division for an order transferring those proceedings to the General Division, and the subsequent proceedings in the General Division if the proceedings are ordered to be transferred to the General Division; and
(ii)any appeal to the General Division from those proceedings in the District Court or Magistrate’s Court; and
(d)any appeal or originating summons before the Court of Appeal or the Appellate Division that was filed in the Court of Appeal or the Appellate Division before the relevant date.
[S 206/2022 wef 01/04/2022]
2.  Despite Order 1, Rule 2(1), the revoked Rules as in force immediately before the relevant date continue to apply to and in relation to any proceedings in the lower Court following an appeal before the Court of Appeal or Appellate Division under these Rules, if the judgment or order of the lower Court appealed against was given or made in proceedings governed by the revoked Rules (whether pursuant to this Schedule or otherwise).
3.  A caveat against arrest that is entered in the record of caveats under Order 70, Rule 5 of the revoked Rules and is in force immediately before the relevant date is deemed to be a caveat against arrest issued under Order 33, Rule 5 of these Rules, and the date of expiry of the caveat is the date on which the caveat would have expired but for the revocation of the revoked Rules.