No. S 374
Singapore Totalisator Board Act
(Chapter 305A)
Variation of the Singapore Totalisator Scheme
Pursuant to section 11(5) of the Singapore Totalisator Board Act, it is hereby notified for general information that the Singapore Totalisator Board has, with the approval of the Second Minister for Finance, varied the Singapore Totalisator Scheme, with effect from 1st July 2005, in the manner set out in paragraph 2.
2.  The Schedule to the Singapore Totalisator Scheme (Sch 1) is varied —
(a)by deleting the definition of “jackpot” in paragraph 1.16B in Part I and substituting the following definition:
“jackpot” means the money from one pool where all the winning combinations which are unbacked is to be carried forward to the next pool and is to be aggregated to the net pool of the next pool, and shall include any money that the Club may declare from time to time to be added to, and form part of, any net pool.
”; and
(b)by inserting, immediately after by-law 2.29A in Part II, the following by-law:
The Club may declare such money to be added to any net pool and such money declared will form part of the net pool subject to any By-law that may stipulate otherwise. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, in the event of one or more of the winning combinations being unbacked, the net pool plus such money so declared will be carried forward as a jackpot to the next pool unless otherwise decided by the Board.
[G.N. Nos. S 506/2000; S 280/2001; S 674/2002; S 602/2003; S236/2004; S 104/2005; S 206/2005]

Made this 9th day of June 2005.

Chief Executive,
Singapore Totalisator Board.
[MF F15.4.2220.V1; AG/LEG/SL/305A/2002/1 Vol. 2]