Division 1 Management by owner developer before management corporation constituted
Division 2 Management corporations and common property
Division 3 Councils
Division 4 Subsidiary proprietors and occupiers
Division 5 Managing agents
Division 6 Insurance
Division 7 Subsidiary management corporations and limited common property
Division 8 Termination of strata scheme
Division 9 Miscellaneous
Division 1 Strata Titles Boards
Division 2 Types of orders by Board
Division 3 Miscellaneous
Division 1 — Management by owner developer before management corporation constituted |
Application of this Division |
Developer to establish maintenance funds |
16.—(1) The owner developer of a development to which this Division applies must establish one or more maintenance funds in accordance with this section at any time on or after —
Duties of owner developer as regards maintenance funds |
17.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the owner developer of the development must —
No collection of maintenance charges without Commissioner’s approval |
18.—(1) An owner developer of a development must not collect any charges for the management and maintenance of the development or any common property or limited common property comprised in the development from the purchasers of any lot or proposed lot comprised in such development except with the prior written approval of the Commissioner.
Commissioner may appoint managing agent for development |
19.—(1) If the Commissioner is satisfied that, after due inquiry by him or her or a person appointed by him or her, the management and maintenance of a development or part thereof is not carried out satisfactorily by the owner developer thereof, the Commissioner may, by order in the Gazette, appoint one or more persons as a managing agent to manage and maintain —
Powers and duties of managing agent appointed by Commissioner |
20.—(1) Where a managing agent has been appointed by the Commissioner under section 19(1), the managing agent has control over the moneys in the relevant maintenance fund of the development, but has no power to invest the moneys.
Owner developer not to be relieved of obligations to carry out repairs, etc. |
21. The appointment under section 19(1) of any managing agent to manage the maintenance fund or funds of a development does not relieve the owner developer of that development of any of the owner developer’s obligations under this Act or any other law —
Failure by purchaser to pay maintenance charges |
22.—(1) Where any charges payable by the purchaser of a lot or proposed lot in a development under the sale and purchase contract for the maintenance of the common property or limited common property (as the case may be) of the development remain unpaid at the end of a period of 28 days after service of a written demand by the owner developer, the charges outstanding and any interest accrued thereon constitute a debt owing to the owner developer, and may be recovered by the owner developer in any court of competent jurisdiction. [33/2018]
Owner developer’s duties on constitution of management corporation |
23.—(1) When a management corporation is constituted for any development, the owner developer of the development must —