Wildlife Act 1965 |
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021 |
An Act for the protection, preservation and management of wildlife for the purposes of maintaining a healthy ecosystem and safeguarding public safety and health, and for related matters. [18/2020] |
[22 October 1965] |
Short title |
1. This Act is the Wildlife Act 1965. [18/2020] |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Operation of other written laws |
Appointment of Director-General and authorised officers |
4.—(1) The Board is responsible for the administration of this Act, and to that end, the Board must appoint an officer of the Board to be the Director‑General, Wildlife Management. [10/2019]
Authorised officers are public servants and public officers |
4A. Without affecting sections 20 and 21 of the Public Sector (Governance) Act 2018, an authorised officer —
Director-General’s written approvals under Act |
5.—(1) The Director-General may give a written approval under this Act —
Feeding of wildlife |
5A.—(1) A person must not intentionally feed any wildlife in any place unless the person has the Director‑General’s written approval to do so. [18/2020]
Releasing of wildlife |
5B.—(1) A person must not intentionally release any wildlife in any place unless the person has the Director‑General’s written approval to do so. [18/2020]
Killing, trapping, taking or keeping of wildlife |
5C.—(1) A person must not intentionally kill, trap, take or keep any wildlife in any place unless the person has the Director‑General’s written approval to do so. [18/2020]
Defence of property |
6.—(1) Nothing in this Act makes it unlawful for the occupier or person in charge of any land to kill, trap or take any wildlife found damaging or destroying the crops or any other property on the land. [18/2020]
Setting of spring guns, etc. |
7.—(1) A person must not, for the purpose of killing, trapping or taking any wildlife, set, place or prepare in any place any spring gun, engine, pitfall, sharpened stake, snare trap or other device which is likely to endanger human life, or cause grievous hurt to any individual, unless the person has the Director‑General’s written approval to do so. [18/2020]
Sale or export of wildlife |
8.—(1) A person must not offer for sale, sell or export any wildlife (whether alive or dead), or any part of a wildlife, unless the person has the Director‑General’s written approval to do so. [18/2020]
Import of wildlife |
9.—(1) A person must not import into Singapore any living wildlife unless the person has the Director‑General’s written approval to do so. [18/2020]
Wildlife-related measures for development or works |
10.—(1) The Director-General may direct a person to implement, in respect of any development or works being carried out, or to be carried out, by or on behalf of the person, any wildlife‑related measure that the Director‑General considers necessary to safeguard —
Power to remove wildlife traps, etc. |
10A.—(1) An authorised officer may, after giving reasonable written notice to the owner or occupier of any place, enter the place at a reasonable time to —
Conviction under other law |
11.—(1) Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to prevent the prosecution, conviction and punishment of any person according to the provisions of any other written law for the time being in force in Singapore.
Powers of search, etc. |
11A.—(1) For the purpose of ascertaining whether any offence under this Act has been or is being committed —
Powers of seizure, etc. |
11B.—(1) Where an authorised officer or a police officer has reason to believe that an offence under this Act has been committed or is being committed, or where an officer of customs has reason to believe that an offence under this Act relating to import or export has been or is being committed, the authorised officer, police officer or officer of customs may seize the following:
Enforcement officer’s assistants |
11C. An enforcement officer may be accompanied or assisted by persons necessary for the exercise of the enforcement officer’s powers under section 10A, 11A or 11B. [18/2020] |
Power to arrest without warrant |
12.—(1) Any police officer, officer of customs or authorised officer may stop and arrest without warrant any person who within his or her view commits an offence under this Act. [18/2020]
Powers of examination |
12A.—(1) For the purpose of investigating any offence under this Act, the Director‑General or an authorised officer may —
Powers to require information, etc., about contraventions |
12B.—(1) Where it appears to the Director‑General or an authorised officer that there may have been a contravention of any provision of this Act, the Director‑General or authorised officer may serve an information notice to require any person who appears to him or her to be acquainted with the circumstances of the case to furnish the Director‑General or authorised officer (as the case may be), within the time that may be specified in the notice, with information relating to that case in the possession or within the knowledge of that person. [10/2019; 18/2020]
Forfeiture by court in criminal proceedings |
12C.—(1) A court may, in proceedings where a person is tried for an offence under this Act, order that a seized item in connection with the offence be forfeited to the Director‑General if —
Forfeiture in other circumstances |
12D.—(1) Where section 12C does not apply, the Director‑General must give the person from whom the item was seized and the owner (if known) of the item a written notice requiring any claim for the item to be made in accordance with subsection (2) within the time specified in the notice. [18/2020]
Director-General’s powers after forfeiture |
12E.—(1) Where any item is forfeited to the Director‑General under section 12C or 12D, the Director‑General may —
Expenses |
12F.—(1) The following persons are responsible for any expenses incurred by the Director‑General or any enforcement officer for the seizure, detention, storage, housing, maintenance, transport, repatriation or disposal of any seized item:
Obstruction |
12G.—(1) A person commits an offence if the person, without reasonable excuse, obstructs or hinders the Director‑General or an enforcement officer in the exercise of any power or performance of any function under this Act. [18/2020]
Offences by employee or agent |
12H.—(1) Where an offence under this Act is committed by an employee (in the course of employment) or an agent (in the course of acting as an agent) of a person (called in this section the defendant), the defendant shall be guilty of that same offence as is the employee or agent (as the case may be), and shall be liable on conviction to be punished accordingly if the defendant —
Offences by corporations |
12I.—(1) Where, in a proceeding for an offence under this Act, it is necessary to prove the state of mind of a corporation in relation to a particular conduct, evidence that —
Offences by unincorporated associations or partnerships |
12J.—(1) Where, in a proceeding for an offence under this Act, it is necessary to prove the state of mind of an unincorporated association or a partnership in relation to a particular conduct, evidence that —
Composition of offences |
12K.—(1) The Director-General or an authorised officer may compound any offence under this Act that is prescribed as a compoundable offence by collecting from a person reasonably suspected of having committed the offence a sum not exceeding the lower of the following:
Jurisdiction of courts |
12L. Despite the Criminal Procedure Code 2010, a District Court or a Magistrate’s Court has jurisdiction to try any offence under this Act and has power to impose the full punishment for that offence. [18/2020] |
Reward to informer |
13. The court may direct any fine or any portion of any fine imposed or levied under this Act to be paid to the informer. |
Fees, etc., payable to Board |
14. All fees, charges and moneys collected under this Act (except composition sums) must be paid to the Board. [10/2019; 18/2020] |
Form and giving of notices and other documents |
15.—(1) All notices and other documents of any nature that the Director‑General is empowered to give under this Act may —
Inaccuracies in notices and other documents |
16.—(1) A misnomer or an inaccurate description of any wildlife, person, place, article or conveyance named or described in any notice or other document prepared, issued or served under, by reason of or for the purposes of this Act does not in any way affect the operation of this Act as respects that wildlife, person, place, article or conveyance if that wildlife, person, place, article or conveyance is so designated in the notice or other document as to be identifiable. [18/2020]
Evidence |
17. A document purporting to be under the hand of the Director‑General or an enforcement officer on any matter or thing in connection with the administration or enforcement of, or any investigation carried out under, this Act is admissible as evidence in any proceedings under this Act and is prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the document. [18/2020] |
Protection from personal liability |
18. No liability shall lie against the Director‑General or an enforcement officer, or any person acting under the direction of the Director‑General or an enforcement officer, for anything which is done or purported to be done, or omitted to be done, in good faith and with reasonable care in —
Service of documents |
19.—(1) A document that is permitted or required by this Act to be served on a person may be served as described in this section. [18/2020]
Service of direction under section 10 by electronic service |
19A.—(1) This section applies where a person —
[Act 23 of 2023 wef 18/12/2023] |
Exemption |
20. The Minister may, by order in the Gazette, exempt any person, place or wildlife, or any class of persons, places or wildlife, from all or any of the provisions of this Act, either generally or in a particular case and subject to any condition the Minister may impose. [18/2020] |
Rules |
21.—(1) The Minister may make rules necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act. [18/2020]
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