Workmen’s Compensation Act
Women’s Charter
Wills Act
Wild Animals and Birds Act
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Act
Weights and Measures Act
Water Pollution Control and Drainage Act
Voluntary Sterilization Act
Voluntary Conveyances Act
Vocational and Industrial Training Board Act
Visiting Forces Act
Vigilante Corps Act
Victoria Theatre Act
Vandalism Act
Urban Redevelopment Authority Act
United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act
Undesirable Publications Act
Trustees Act
Trust Companies Act
Treasury Deposit Receipts Act
Treasurer of Presbyterian Church, Singapore Ordinance
Travel Agents Act
Trade Unions Act
Trade Marks Act
Trade Disputes Act
Trade Development Board Act
Tourist Promotion Board Act
Tourist Promotion (Cess Collection) Act
Tokyo Convention Act
Tin and Tin-Ore (Disclosure of Smelters’ Stocks) Act
Timber Industry Act
Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878
Termination of Pregnancy Act
Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Act
Supreme Court of Judicature Act
Sultan Hussain Ordinance
Subordinate Courts Act
Straits Settlements and Johore Territorial Waters (Agreement) Act 1928
Statutory Declarations Act
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act
Statistics Act
States of Malaya Customs Duties Collection Act
State Lands Encroachments Act
State Lands Act
State Immunity Act
Stamp Duties Act
Society of Saint Maur Incorporation Ordinance
Societies Act
Smoking (Prohibition on Advertisements) Act
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
Small Claims Tribunals Act
Slaughter-houses and Meat Processing Factories Act
Skills Development Levy Act
Singapore Sports Council Act
Singapore Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act
Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance
Singapore Polytechnic Act
Singapore Labour Foundation Act
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Act
Singapore Family Planning and Population Board (Repeal) Act
Singapore Council of Social Service Act
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises Act
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Act
Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act
Singapore Armed Forces Act
Silver Jubilee Fund (Singapore) Act
Settled Estates Act
Service Lands Act
Sentosa Development Corporation Act
Sedition Act
Securities Industry Act
Secretary of the Synod of the Diocese of Singapore Ordinance
Secondhand Dealers Act
Science Council of Singapore Act
Science Centre Act
School Crossing Patrols Act
Scheut Missions Ordinance
Sand and Granite Quarries Act
Salvation Army Ordinance
Sale of Food Act
Sale of Drugs Act
Sale of Commercial Properties Act
Saint Andrew’s Mission Hospital Ordinance
Rubber Industry Act
Rubber Dealers Act
Rubber Association of Singapore (Incorporation) Act
Roman Catholic Archbishop Act
Road Vehicles (Special Powers) Act
Road Traffic Act
Revised Edition of the Laws Act
Residential Property Act
Requisition of Resources Act
Republic of Singapore Independence Act
Regulation of Employment Act
Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act
Registration of Imports and Exports Act
Registration of Deeds Act
Registration of Criminals Act
Registration of Births and Deaths Act
Redundancy Payments Fund Act
Redemptorist Fathers Ordinance
Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act
Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act
Railways Act
Radiation Protection Act
Public Utilities Act
Public Trustee Act
Public Service Commission Act
Public Order (Preservation) Act
Public Entertainments Act
Protected Areas and Protected Places Act
Property Tax Act
Property Tax (Surcharge) Act
Professional Engineers Act
Probation of Offenders Act
Probate and Administration Act
Private Lotteries Act
Private Investigation and Security Agencies Act
Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act
Prisons Act
Printers and Publishers Act
Princess Elizabeth Fund Act
Price Control Act
Prevention of Pollution of the Sea Act
Prevention of Crimes Act
Prevention of Corruption Act
Preservation of the Peace Act
Preservation of Monuments Act
Presbyterian Church Ordinance
Presbyterian Church of England Mission Ordinance
Premiums on Leases Act
Post Office Savings Bank of Singapore Act
Portuguese Missions Ordinance
Port of Singapore Authority Act
Police Force Act
Poisons Act
Planning Act
Planning (Cancellation of Permission) Act
Pineapple Industry Act (Repealed)
Pharmacists Registration Act
Petroleum Act
Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act
People’s Association Act
Pensions Act
Pensions (Expatriate Officers) Act
Penal Code
Payroll Tax Act
Pawnbrokers Act
Patents (Compulsory Licensing) Act
Passports Act
Parliamentary Pensions Act
Parliamentary Elections Act
Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act
Parks and Trees Act
Parking Places Act
Parking Places (Surcharge) Act
Official Secrets Act
Oaths of Office and Allegiance Act
Oaths Act
Nursing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Act
Nurses and Midwives Act
Notaries Public Act
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Act
Ngee Ann Kongsi (Incorporation) Ordinance
Newspaper and Printing Presses Act
Nature Reserves Act
National University of Singapore Act
National Theatre Trust Act
National Servicemen (Employment) Act
National Registration Act
National Productivity Board Act
National Police Cadet Corps Act
National Maritime Board Act
National Library Board Act
National Emblems (Control of Display) Act
National Computer Board Act
National Cadet Corps Act
National Archives and Records Centre Act
Nanyang Technological Institute Act
Mutual Benefit Organisations Act
Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act
Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) Act
Moneylenders Act
Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act
Monetary Authority of Singapore Act
Misuse of Drugs Act
Missions Étrangères Ordinance
Minor Offences Act
Minister for Finance (Incorporation) Act
Military Manoeuvres Act
Metrication Act
Methodist Episcopal Location Board Ordinance
Merchant Shipping Act
Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act
Mental Disorders and Treatment Act
Medicines Act
Medicines (Advertisement and Sale) Act
Medical Registration Act
Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act
Massage Establishments Act
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Act
Martial Arts Instruction Act
Malaysia Revenue Vessels Act
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act
Local Treasury Bills Act
Local Government Integration Act
Local Forces (Civil Liability) Act
Loans (International Banks) Act
Little Sisters of the Poor Ordinance
Limitation Act
Legitimacy Act
Legal Profession Act
Legal Aid and Advice Act
Landmarks Act
Land Titles Act
Land Titles (Strata) Act
Land Surveyors Act
Land Revenue Collection Act
Land Officers Powers Act
Land Improvement Act
Land Acquisition Act
Kwong-Wai-Shiu Hospital Ordinance
Kidnapping Act
Jurong Town Corporation Act
Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act
Judicial Committee Act
Judges’ Remuneration Act
Jewish Synagogue Ordinance
Intestate Succession Act
Interpretation Act
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) Act
International Finance Corporation Act
Internal Security Act
Insurance Act
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Act
Institute Of Education Act
Innkeepers Act
Inheritance (Family Provision) Act
Infectious Diseases Act
Industrial Relations Act
Independence of Singapore Agreement 1965
Indecent Advertisements Act
Income Tax Act
Immigration Act
Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act
HUDC Housing Estates Act
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act
Housing and Development Act