Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1969
Supply of Goods Act 1982
Supply Act 2024
Supply Act 2023
Supplementary Supply (FY 2023) Act 2024
Sultan Hussain Ordinance 1904
Street Works Act 1995
Strategic Goods (Control) Act 2002
Straits Settlements and Johore Territorial Waters (Agreement) Act 1928
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act 1989
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act 1983
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act 1968
Status of Children (Assisted Reproduction Technology) Act 2013
Statistics Act 1973
States of Malaya Customs Duties Collection Act 1958
State Lands Protection Act 2022
State Lands Act 1920
State Immunity Act 1979
State Courts Act 1970
Stamp Duties Act 1929
Spam Control Act 2007
Society of Saint Maur Incorporation Ordinance 1923
Societies Act 1966
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act 1992
Small Motorised Vehicles (Safety) Act 2020
Small Claims Tribunals Act 1984
SkillsFuture Singapore Agency Act 2016
Skills Development Levy Act 1979
Singapore University of Technology and Design Act 2011
Singapore University of Social Sciences Act 2017
Singapore Tourism Board Act 1963
Singapore Tourism (Cess Collection) Act 1972
Singapore Totalisator Board Act 1987
Singapore Sports Council Act 1973
Singapore Red Cross Society Act 1973
Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance 1918
Singapore Polytechnic Act 1954
Singapore Management University Act 2000
Singapore Land Authority Act 2001
Singapore Labour Foundation Act 1977
Singapore Institute of Technology Act 2014
Singapore Food Agency Act 2019
Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board Act 2003
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises Act 1975
Singapore Convention on Mediation Act 2020
Singapore Business Federation Act 2001
Singapore Armed Forces Act 1972
Singapore Academy of Law Act 1988
Silver Support Scheme Act 2015
Significant Investments Review Act 2024