Sort by: Short Title | Number | |
Government Securities Act 1992
Act 1 of 1992
Act 1 of 1992 | |
Income Tax (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 2 of 1992
Act 2 of 1992 | |
Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 3 of 1992
Act 3 of 1992 | |
Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 4 of 1992
Act 4 of 1992 | |
Infectious Diseases (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 5 of 1992
Act 5 of 1992 | |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act 1992
Act 6 of 1992
Act 6 of 1992 | |
Legal Profession (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 7 of 1992
Act 7 of 1992 | |
Institute of Technical Education Act 1992
Act 8 of 1992
Act 8 of 1992 | |
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 9 of 1992
Act 9 of 1992 | |
Customs (Amendment) Act 1992
Act 10 of 1992
Act 10 of 1992 |