Drugs Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 1
District Cooling Act (Commencement) Notification 2001 (Spent)
S 173/2001
Directions under Section 13(1)(d) (Revoked)
Cap. 32, DIRN 1
Direction under Section 27 (1)(d) (Spent)
Cap. 50, DIRN 2
Direction under Section 19(1)(d) (Revoked)
Cap. 163A, DIRN 1
Direction of Minister under Section 8 (2) (Spent)
Cap. 99B, N 6
Direction of Minister under Section 8 (1) (Spent)
Cap. 99B, N 5
Diplomatic and Consular Relations Act (Commencement) Notification 2005 (Spent)
S 277/2005
Diplomatic and Consular Relations (UNFCCC NAMA Regional Workshop 2013) Order 2013 (Spent)
S 502/2013
Diplomatic and Consular Relations (UNFCCC 2010 Regional Training Workshop on Preparing Technology Transfer Projects for Financing) Order 2010 (Spent)
S 610/2010
Diplomatic and Consular Relations (78th Session of the INTERPOL General Assembly) Order 2009 (Spent)
S 453/2009
Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Fees) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 82, OR 1
Developmental Investment Fund Act (Commencement) Notification 2000 (Spent)
S 120/2000
Development Loan (1987) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 81A, RG 1
Development Investment Fund (Regional Investment Fund Account) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 79, OR 4
Development Investment Fund (Regional Investment Fund Account) (Revocation) Order 2014 (Spent)
S 485/2014
Development Investment Fund (MOH Holdings Account) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 79, OR 2
Development Investment Fund (MOH Holdings Account) (Revocation) Order 2014 (Spent)
S 483/2014
Development Investment Fund (Cluster Development Fund Accounts) (Consolidation) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 79, OR 3
Development Investment Fund (Cluster Development Fund Accounts) (Consolidation) (Revocation) Order 2014 (Spent)
S 484/2014