Government Technology Agency Act 2016 (Commencement) Notification 2016 (Spent)
S 462/2016
Government Securities Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 121A, RG 1
Government Procurement Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 120, RG 2
Government Procurement Act (Commencement) Notification 2002 (Spent)
S 214/2002
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2019 (Cancelled)
S 62/2019
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2017 (Cancelled)
S 333/2017
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2016 (Cancelled)
S 164/2016
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 249/2015
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 326/2014
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 266/2013
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2012 (Cancelled)
S 147/2012
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2010 (Cancelled)
S 211/2010
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2008 (Spent)
S 174/2008
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2001 (Cancelled)
S 370/2001
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 75/1998
Government Contracts
(Authorisation) Notification 2011 (Cancelled)
S 196/2011
Goods and Services Tax Voucher Fund Act 2012 (Commencement) Notification 2013 (Spent)
S 29/2013
Goods and Services Tax (Non-Taxable Government Supplies) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 117A, OR 6
Goods and Services Tax (Board of Review) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 117A, RG 3
Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000 (Spent)
S 575/2000