House to House and Street Collections (National Council of Social Service) (Exemption) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 128, N 1
Housing and Development (Penalties) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 129, R 1
Housing and Development (Animals) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 129, R 4
Housing and Development (Composition of Offences) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 129, R 6
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 1
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 2
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 3
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 4
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 6
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 7
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 8
Housing and Development (Precincts for Lift Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 9
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order (Spent)
Cap. 129, OR 10
Housing and Development (Variation of Rent for Hawker Stalls) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 129, N 5
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) (Exemption from Section 9) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 130, N 3
Housing Developers (Exemption) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 130, N 4
HUDC Housing Estates (Constitution of Bodies Corporate) Order (Cancelled)
Cap. 131, OR 1
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) (Exemption from section 9) (Cancellation) Notification 1996 (Spent)
S 23/1996
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (No. 2) Order 1996 (Spent)
S 453/1996
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (No. 2) Order 1997 (Spent)
S 356/1997