Maintenance of Parents (Prescribed Government Agencies and Statutory Bodies) (Revocation) Notification 2024 (Spent)
S 564/2024
Maintenance of Parents (Prescribed Government Agencies and Statutory Bodies) Notification 2011 (Cancelled)
S 147/2011
Maintenance of Parents Act (Commencement) Notification 1996 (Spent)
S 248/1996
Maintenance of Religious Harmony Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 167A, R 1
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) (Registration of Orders in Family Court) (Revocation) Rules 2016 (Spent)
S 604/2016
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) (Registration of Orders in Family Court) Rules 2014 (Revoked)
S 690/2014
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act (Extension) (Consolidation) (Cancellation) Notification 2016 (Spent)
S 605/2016
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act (Extension) (Consolidation) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 168, N 1
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) (Designation of Reciprocating Countries) (No. 2) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 169, N 2
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) (Designation of Reciprocating Countries) (No. 3) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 169, N 3
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) (Designation of Reciprocating Countries) Notification 2009 (Cancelled)
S 226/2009
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) (Revocation) Rules 2016 (Spent)
S 606/2016
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act (Commencement) Notification 2016 (Spent)
S 607/2016
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Rules 2014 (Revoked)
S 659/2014
Majlis Ugama Islam, Singapura (Cancelled)
Cap. 3, N 3
Manufacture of Optical Discs Act (Commencement) Notification 2004 (Spent)
S 451/2004
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Amendment) Act 2017 (Commencement) Notification 2018 (Spent)
S 17/2018
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Anchorages and Fairways) (Cancellation) Notification 2012 (Spent)
S 173/2012
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Anchorages and Fairways) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 170A, N 5
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Composition of Offences) (Revocation) Regulations 2021 (Spent)
S 776/2021
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Composition of Offences) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 170A, RG 1
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Dangerous Goods, Petroleum and Explosives) Regulations 1997 (Spent)
S 182/1997
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Height Restricted Areas) (Cancellation) Notification 2012 (Spent)
S 174/2012
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Height Restricted Areas) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 170A, N 6
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Pilotage District) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 170A, N 4
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Pilotage District) Notification 2006 (Spent)
S 281/2006
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port Limits) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 170A, N 3
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port Limits) Notification 1997 (Spent)
S 316/1997
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port Limits) Notification 2006 (Spent)
S 280/2006
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Prohibited Areas) (Cancellation) Notification 2006 (Spent)
S 605/2006
Maritime Offences Act (Commencement) Notification 2004 (Spent)
S 156/2004
Mass Rapid Transit (Railway Protection, Restricted Activities) Regulations (Spent)
Cap. 172, RG 3
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (Creation of Rights) (Consolidation) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 172, N 1
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (Fees) Regulations (Spent)
Cap. 172, RG 2
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Regulations (Spent)
Cap. 172, RG 1
Massage Establishments (Composition of Offences) Rules 2005 (Revoked)
S 657/2005
Massage Establishments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order 2006 (Revoked)
S 352/2006
Massage Establishments (Exemption) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 173, OR 1
Massage Establishments (Exemption) Order 2004 (Revoked)
S 582/2004
Massage Establishments (Exemption) Order 2006 (Revoked)
S 351/2006
Massage Establishments Act 2017 (Commencement) Notification 2018 (Spent)
S 95/2018
Massage Establishments Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 173, R 1
Massage Establishments Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 173, R 1
Media Development Authority of Singapore (Designated Archive Operators) (Cancellation) Notification 2016 (Spent)
S 438/2016
Media Development Authority of Singapore (Designated Archive Operators) Notification 2008 (Cancelled)
S 182/2008
Media Development Authority of Singapore Act 2002 — Code of Practice (Spent)
S 177/2003
Mediation Act 2017 (Commencement) Notification 2017 (Spent)
S 594/2017
Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) (Approved Hospitals) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 175, N 1
Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) (Approved Hospitals) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 175, N 1
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes
(Approved Institutions)
Notification 2011 (Cancelled)
S 385/2011
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (Cancellation) Notification 2016 (Spent)
S 1/2016
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (Consolidation) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 173A, N 1
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 10) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 457/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 11) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 458/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 12) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 459/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 13) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 549/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 14) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 570/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 15) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 580/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 16) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 785/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2009 (Cancelled)
S 498/2009
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2010 (Cancelled)
S 167/2010
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2011 (Cancelled)
S 550/2011
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2012 (Cancelled)
S 276/2012
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 337/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 214/2014
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 2) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 54/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 3) Notification 2010 (Cancelled)
S 568/2010
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 3) Notification 2012 (Cancelled)
S 357/2012
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 3) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 369/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 3) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 266/2014
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 3) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 60/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 4) Notification 2010 (Cancelled)
S 807/2010
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 4) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 455/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 4) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 371/2014
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 4) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 138/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 5) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 506/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 5) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 611/2014
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 5) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 148/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 6) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 567/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 6) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 834/2014
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 6) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 204/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 7) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 615/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 7) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 353/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 8) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 724/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 8) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 362/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) (No. 9) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 378/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2006 (Cancelled)
S 544/2006
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2007 (Cancelled)
S 41/2007
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2009 (Cancelled)
S 497/2009
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2010 (Cancelled)
S 4/2010
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2012 (Cancelled)
S 133/2012
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2013 (Cancelled)
S 179/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2014 (Cancelled)
S 32/2014
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Approved Institutions) Notification 2015 (Cancelled)
S 4/2015
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Medifund Committees) Order 2012 (Revoked)
S 514/2012
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes (Medifund Committees) Order 2013 (Revoked)
S 336/2013
Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes Act (Commencement) Notification 2000 (Spent)
S 125/2000
Medical Registration Act (Commencement) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 207/1998
Medical Registration Order (Spent)
Cap. 174, OR 1
Medical Registration Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 174, RG 1