Sort by: Short Title | Number | |
Sale of Commercial Properties (Exemption) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 281, N 2
Cap. 281, N 2 | |
Sale of Commercial Properties (Exemption) Notification 2017 (Spent)
S 440/2017
S 440/2017 | |
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Drugs) (Consolidation) (Revocation) Regulations 2022 (Spent)
S 564/2022
S 564/2022 | |
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Drugs) (Consolidation) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 3
Cap. 282, RG 3 | |
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Substance — Rhodamine B) (Revocation) Regulations 2022 (Spent)
S 565/2022
S 565/2022 | |
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Substance — Rhodamine B) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 4
Cap. 282, RG 4 | |
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Substances) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 2
Cap. 282, RG 2 | |
Sanitary Appliances and Water Charges Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 348, RG 1
Cap. 348, RG 1 | |
Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage System Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 348, RG 2
Cap. 348, RG 2 | |
Seals of the Subordinate Courts (Cancelled)
Cap. 321, N 1
Cap. 321, N 1 |