Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers (Spent)
Cap. 50, R 2
Singapore Port Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 236, RG 6
Sale of Commercial Properties (Exemption) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 281, N 2
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Substances) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 2
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Drugs) (Consolidation) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 3
Sale of Drugs (Prohibited Substance — Rhodamine B) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 282, RG 4
Securities and Futures (Offers of Investments) (Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemption) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 289, N 2
Securities and Futures (Offers of Investments) (Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemption) (No. 2) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 289, N 3
Sewerage and Drainage (Sanitary Appliances and Water Charges) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 294, RG 1
Sewerage and Drainage (Sewage Treatment Plants) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 294, RG 3
Sewerage and Drainage (Composition of Offences) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 294, RG 6 Cap. 293A, RG 6
Cap. 294, RG 6 Cap. 293A, RG 6
Sewerage and Drainage (Composition of Offences) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 294, RG 6
Sewerage and Drainage (Application Fees) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 294, RG 7
Singapore Armed Forces (Detention and Imprisonment) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 295, RG 3
Singapore Armed Forces (Urine Specimens and Urine Tests) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 295, RG 10
Singapore Armed Forces (Rank of Servicemen) Regulations (Spent)
Cap. 295, RG 14
Singapore Armed Forces (NUSAF — Service Grades) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 295, RG 16
Singapore Armed Forces (NUSAF — Summary Trial and Miscellaneous Powers) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 295, RG 17
Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 296, R 1
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 298, RG 1
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (Disciplinary Proceedings — Delegation of Functions) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 298, RG 2
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (Singapore Quality Mark) Certification Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 301, RG 1
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (Marks) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 301, N 1
Singapore Management University Students’ Association (Exemption) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 302A, OR 1
Singapore Polytechnic (Students’ Union) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 303, RG 1
Singapore Polytechnic (Clubs) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 303, RG 2
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board (Singapore Quality Mark) Certification Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 303A, RG 1
Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (Conformity Assessment) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 303A, RG 2
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board (Certification Marks) (Consolidation) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 303A, N 1
Singapore Sports Council (Rates and Charges) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 305, RG 4
Singapore Sports Council (Rates and Charges) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 305, RG 4
Singapore Totalisator Scheme (Expired)
Cap. 305A, SCHM 1
Singapore Tourism (Licensing and Control of Tourist Guides) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 305B, RG 1
Singapore Tourism (Tourist Hotels, Tourist Food Establishments and Tourist Public Houses) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 305C, N 1
Skills Development Levy (Exemption) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 306, OR 1
Skills Development Levy (Variation of Rate) Order (Spent)
Cap. 306, OR 2
Slaughter-houses (Fees) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 307, R 3
Small Claims Tribunals (Jurisdiction) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 308, OR 1
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Labelling) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 309, RG 2
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Labelling) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 309, RG 2
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Licensing of Importers, Wholesalers and Retailers) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 309, RG 3
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Licensing) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 309, RG 3
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Foreign Newspapers) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 309, N 3
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Composition of Offences) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 310, RG 1
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 310, N 1
Stamp Duties (Acquisition and Disposal of HDB Flats) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 312, R 1
Stamp Duties (Relief from Stamp Duty Upon Transfer of Assets Between Associated Companies) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 312, R 2
Stamp Duties Remission Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 2
Stamp Duties (Conveyance Directions) Remission Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 4
Stamp Duties (En-Bloc Redevelopments) Remission Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 5
Stamp Duties (HDB Transitional Housing) Remission Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 6
Stamp Duties (Inherited Properties) Remission Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 7
Stamp Duties (Non-licensed Housing Developers) Remission Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 8
Stamp Duties (Donations to Institutions of Public Character) (Remission) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 312, OR 12
State Lands (Fees) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 314, R 3
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 318, OR 1
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 318, OR 1
Street Works (Composition of Offences) Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 320A, RG 4
Seals of the Subordinate Courts (Cancelled)
Cap. 321, N 1
Subordinate Courts (Consolidation) Notification (Cancelled)
Cap. 321, N 2
Subordinate Courts (Consolidation) Notification (Spent)
Cap. 321, N 3
Supreme Court (Maintenance Orders) Rules (Revoked)
Cap. 322, R 2
Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Matrimonial, Divorce and Guardianship of Infants Proceedings to District Court) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 322, OR 1
Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Matrimonial, Divorce and Guardianship of Infants Proceedings to District Court) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 322, OR 1
Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Proceedings pursuant to Section 17A(2)) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 322, OR 2
Supreme Court of Judicature (Transfer of Proceedings pursuant to Section 17A(2)) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 322, OR 2
Sanitary Appliances and Water Charges Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 348, RG 1
Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage System Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 348, RG 2
Surface Water Drainage Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 348, RG 3
Sewage Treatment Plants Regulations (Revoked)
Cap. 348, RG 5
Singapore Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Rules 1974 (Spent)
S 304/1974
Singapore Police Service Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Rules 1994 (Spent)
S 123/1994
Singapore Civil Defence Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Rules 1994 (Spent)
S 125/1994
Stamp Duties Act (Substitution of Schedules) Notification 1996 (Spent)
S 164/1996
Stamp Duties (Acquisition and Disposal of HDB Flats) Rules 1996 (Spent)
S 387/1996
Stamp Duties (Conveyance Directions) Remission Order 1996 (Spent)
S 388/1996
Stamp Duties (En-Bloc Redevelopments) Remission Order 1996 (Spent)
S 389/1996
Stamp Duties (HDB Transitional Housing) Remission Order 1996 (Spent)
S 390/1996
Stamp Duties (Inherited Properties) Remission Order 1996 (Spent)
S 391/1996
Stamp Duties (Non-licensed Housing Developers) Remission Order 1996 (Spent)
S 392/1996
Singapore Totalisator Board (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 1997 (Spent)
S 407/1997
Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (Commencement) Notification 1997 (Spent)
S 441/1997
Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Service Medal Rules 1998 (Revoked)
S 62/1998
Small Claims Tribunals (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 73/1998
Slaughter-houses (Fees) Rules 1998 (Revoked)
S 165/1998
Singapore Armed Forces (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 183/1998
Stamp Duties Act (Substitution of Schedules) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 284/1998
State Lands (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 326/1998
Supreme Court of Judicature (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 1998 (Spent)
S 608/1998
Security Deposit by Appellant on Appeal to Court of Appeal (Spent)
S 640/1998
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Order 1999 (Revoked)
S 68/1999
Sewerage and Drainage Act (Commencement) Notification 1999 (Spent)
S 165/1999
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) (No. 2) Order 1999 (Revoked)
S 277/1999
Securities Industry (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000 (Spent)
S 108/2000
Singapore Management University Act (Commencement) Notification 2000 (Spent)
S 134/2000
Singapore Armed Forces (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000 (Spent)
S 137/2000
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Order 2000 (Revoked)
S 281/2000
Stamp Duties (Relief from Stamp Duty upon Transfer of Assets between Associated Companies) Rules 2000 (Spent)
S 580/2000
Singapore Land Authority Act (Commencement) Notification 2001 (Spent)
S 286/2001
Singapore Armed Forces (Appointment of Bail Officers) Order 2001 (Spent)
S 346/2001