No. S 670
Animals and Birds Act 1965
Animals and Birds
(Dog Licensing and Control)
(Amendment) Rules 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 59 and 80 of the Animals and Birds Act 1965, the Minister for National Development makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1.—(1)  These Rules are the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) (Amendment) Rules 2024 and, except for rule 3(f), (g) and (h), come into operation on 29 August 2024.
(2)  Rule 3(f), (g) and (h) is deemed to have come into operation on 31 December 2021.
Amendment of rule 2
2.  In the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules (R 1), in rule 2 —
(a)delete the definition of “dog farm”;
(b)after the definition of “licence fee”, insert —
“ “licensed dog breeding premises” means any premises for the purpose of breeding dogs for reward that is used in accordance with a licence issued or treated as issued under rule 4 of the Animals and Birds (Licensing of Premises for Pet Shop and Other Purposes) Rules (R 2);
“licensed pet shop” means any premises used as a pet shop in accordance with a licence issued or treated as issued under rule 4 of the Animals and Birds (Licensing of Premises for Pet Shop and Other Purposes) Rules;
“licensed premises” means any licensed dog breeding premises or licensed pet shop;”; and
(c)in the definition of “pet shop”, replace “Animals and Birds (Pet Shop and Exhibition) Rules (R 2)” with “Animals and Birds (Licensing of Premises for Pet Shop and Other Purposes) Rules”.
Miscellaneous amendments
3.  In the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules —
(a)in the following provisions, replace “a dog farm or a pet shop” with “any licensed premises”:
Rule 3(2) and (3)
Rule 4(7B)
Rule 4AA(1)
Rule 5(2)(b)
Rule 6(1), (3), (3A) and (4);
(b)in rule 5(2)(a), replace “a dog farm” with “any licensed dog breeding premises”;
(c)in rule 6, in the rule heading, replace “dog farm or pet shop” with “licensed premises”;
(d)in rule 6(3), replace “the dog farm or the pet shop” with “the licensed premises”;
(e)in rule 6(4)(a), replace “that dog farm or that pet shop” with “those licensed premises”;
(f)in rule 7(5), replace “section 8 of the National Registration Act (Cap. 201)” with “section 10 of the National Registration Act 1965”;
(g)in rule 13(3), in the definition of “owner”, replace “(Act 47 of 2004)” with “2004”;
(h)in rule 13(3), in the definition of “premises”, replace “(Cap. 129)” with “1959”;
(i)in the First Schedule, in Part II, in the Part heading, replace “DOG FARMS” with “LICENSED DOG BREEDING PREMISES”;
(j)in the First Schedule, in Part II, in items 1, 2, 3 and 4, replace “dog farm” with “licensed dog breeding premises”;
(k)in the First Schedule, in Part III, in the Part heading, replace “DOG FARMS OR PET SHOPS” with “LICENSED PREMISES”; and
(l)in the First Schedule, in Part III, in items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, replace “the dog farm or the pet shop” with “the licensed premises”.
[G.N. Nos. S 686/2010; S 38/2017; S 727/2020]
Made on 20 August 2024.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of National Development,
[ND 202/01-071; AG/LEGIS/SL/7/2020/2]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 80(4) of the Animals and Birds Act 1965).