No. S 312
Boundaries and Survey Maps Act
Boundaries and Survey Maps
(Service of Documents) Rules 2015
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 17(2)(d) of the Boundaries and Survey Maps Act, the Singapore Land Authority, with the approval of the Minister for Law, makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Rules may be cited as the Boundaries and Survey Maps (Service of Documents) Rules 2015 and come into operation on 1 June 2015.
Service of documents
2.—(1)  Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Act, any notice or other document that is required or authorised by the Act to be given to or served on a person may be given to or served on that person —
(a)by posting the notice or document, or sending the notice or document by facsimile transmission, to that person’s last known place of residence or business in Singapore;
(b)by leaving the notice or document at that person’s last known place of residence or business in Singapore; or
(c)where that person has no known place of residence or business in Singapore, by publishing a copy of the notice or document in one or more local daily newspapers circulating in Singapore.
(2)  This rule does not apply to any notice or document to be served in proceedings in court.
3.  The Boundaries and Survey Maps Rules (R 1) are revoked.
Made on 21 May 2015.
Singapore Land Authority.
[LAW 06/011/027 V3; SVY1404-95 V4; SLA/CF/6.5.69 V3; AG/LLRD/SL/25/2010/4 Vol. 1]