Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties Act 1996
(Section 26(5))
Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties
(Expedited Review of Anti-Dumping Duties)
Determination 2000
(18 December 2024)
[30 June 2000]
WHEREAS a notice of initiation of an expedited review under section 26(1)(f) of the Countervailing and Anti‑Dumping Duties Act 1996, of the imposition of anti-dumping duties pursuant to the Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties (Review of Anti‑Dumping Duties) (No. 2) Determination 1998 published on 23 January 1998 in Notification No. 279 in the Gazette, as amended by the notification for public information published on 26 March 1999 in Notification No. 794 in the Gazette, was published on 1 October 1999 in Notification No. 2905 in the Gazette;
And whereas that expedited review has been completed;
And whereas the Minister has considered and agreed with the final Report of the Recommendations Regarding the Expedited Review of the Imposition of Anti‑Dumping Duties on Certain Steel Reinforcement Bars and Rods Originating from Turkey submitted by the Chief Executive Officer, Trade Development Board;
NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 26 of the Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties Act 1996, the Minister for Trade and Industry hereby makes the following Determination:
1.  This Determination is the Countervailing and Anti‑Dumping Duties (Expedited Review of Anti‑Dumping Duties) Determination 2000.
2.  In this Determination —
“named company” means Habas Sinai Ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi A.S.;
“subject goods” means the goods described in the Schedule originating from Turkey.
Anti-dumping duty
3.  The Minister, being satisfied that there has been dumping into Singapore of the subject goods from the named company during the period of review, has determined that an anti‑dumping duty of $30 per tonne be imposed on the subject goods from the named company imported into Singapore on or after 1 July 2000.