Central Provident Fund Act |
Central Provident Fund (Nominations) Rules |
R 1 |
G.N. No. S 318/1986 |
(1st January 1998) |
[1st January 1987] |
Citation |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Central Provident Fund (Nominations) Rules. |
Definitions |
1AA. In these Rules —
[S 278/2024 wef 01/04/2024] |
Forms |
Nomination by member |
2.—(1) Subject to these Rules, a member who is an applicable person may —
[S 278/2024 wef 01/04/2024]
Nomination on behalf of member |
3.—(1) This rule applies where a member who is an applicable person lacks capacity within the meaning of section 4 of the Mental Capacity Act (Cap. 177A), and the court makes an order under section 20(2)(a) of the Mental Capacity Act in relation to the executing under section 25(1) of the Act, on the member’s behalf, of a memorandum nominating any person specified in the order to receive the whole or any portion of —
[S 278/2024 wef 01/04/2024]
Nominations to receive retirement sum to take precedence |
4. A nomination made by or on behalf of a member in accordance with rule 2 or 3 (as the case may be), whether made before, on or after 1st July 1995, shall be subject to any nomination made before 1st January 2013 by or on behalf of the member in accordance with the Central Provident Fund (Retirement Sum Scheme Nominations) Rules (R 8). [S 689/2012 wef 01/01/2013] [S 122/2010 wef 01/03/2010] [S 660/2016 wef 01/01/2017] |
Nominees and shares |
5.—(1) A nomination may be in favour of one person or of several persons (who shall be clearly designated in the nomination), and, where there is more than one nominee, may direct that the nominees shall take the money or any designated shares in specified shares. [S 814/2010 wef 01/01/2011] [S 286/2022 wef 01/04/2022]
6. [Deleted by S 1/2020 wef 06/01/2020] |
Revocation of nomination |
7. Any nomination made by or on behalf of a member in accordance with rule 2 or 3 (as the case may be) shall be revoked —
Notice of revocation of nomination |
8.—(1) For the purposes of rule 7(c), a notice of revocation given by a member who is an applicable person shall —
[S 278/2024 wef 01/04/2024]
Qualifications for person to witness or attest |
9. For the purposes of rules 2(2), 3(3) and 8(1), a person may be a witness or make an attestation in respect of a nomination or notice of revocation if —
[S 1/2020 wef 06/01/2020] |
Multiple nominees |
10. Where there is more than one nominee and a nominee dies before the member, his share of the moneys or any designated shares shall pass to the surviving nominees and shall be shared among them in the same proportion as the respective shares of the surviving nominees bear to each other. [S 286/2022 wef 01/04/2022] |
11. [Deleted by S 286/2022 wef 01/04/2022] |
Saving |
12. Any nomination made by a member under the Central Provident Fund Rules (R 3) and received by the Board prior to 1st January 1987 shall, if valid immediately before that date, be deemed to be a nomination made under these Rules. |