No. S 565
Human Organ Transplant Act
Human Organ Transplant
(Declaration of Hospitals)
Notification 2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by the definition of “hospital” in section 2 of the Human Organ Transplant Act, the Minister for Health makes the following Notification:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Notification is the Human Organ Transplant (Declaration of Hospitals) Notification 2018 and comes into operation on 19 September 2018.
Declaration of hospitals
2.  The Minister declares the following hospitals to be hospitals for the purposes of the Act other than Part 4A:
(a)Farrer Park Hospital;
(b)Sengkang General Hospital.
[S 695/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
Made on 12 September 2018.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Health,
[MH(CF)78:18 Vol. 39; AG/LEGIS/SL/131A/2015/1 Vol. 1]