1. These Rules may be cited as the Petroleum (Transport and Storage) Rules.
2. For the purposes of these Rules —
“brickwork” means hard, square, well-burnt bricks true in shape and of even quality emitting a ringing sound when struck and measuring not less than 22 cm x 11 cm x 7 cm well bonded in cement mortar consisting of one part of portland cement to 3 parts of clean sand mixed with clear fresh water;
“cement plaster or rendering” means a mixture consisting of equal portions of portland cement and clean sand mixed with clear fresh water;
“cement concrete” means a concrete made of one part of portland cement, 3 parts of clean sand and 6 parts of stone mixed with clear fresh water;
“Director” means the Director of Fire Service appointed under section 3 of the Fire Service Act;
“Licensing Officer” means the Director or any officer duly authorised by him in writing;
“reinforced concrete” means cement concrete consisting of 3 parts of broken granite, 2 parts of granite dust and not less than one part of cement reinforced by metal in such a manner as shall be approved by the Director.