No. S 258
Pingat Berkebolehan (Tentera) —
(the Efficiency Medal — Military)
Rules 1981
It is hereby notified for general information that the President having been pleased to approve the institution of a medal to be styled the Pingat Berkebolehan (Tentera) or “the Efficiency Medal (Military)” hereby makes the following Rules:—
1.  These Rules may be cited as the Pingat Berkebolehan (Tentera) — (the Efficiency Medal — Military) Rules 1981 and shall come into operation on the 7th day of August, 1981.
2.  In these Rules, “member of the Singapore Armed Forces” means any person who is rendering —
(a)full-time service in the Singapore Armed Forces whether regular, mobilized or national service;
(b)voluntary service in the division of the Singapore Armed Forces known as the People’s Defence Force; or
(c)reserve service in the Singapore Armed Forces.
3.  The Medal may be awarded to any member of the Singapore Armed Forces who has shown exceptional efficiency, devotion to duty, or work of special significance, or who has demonstrated in the course of his work initiative, thoroughness and resourcefulness.
4.  The Medal shall —
(a)be bronze-based, 37 millimetres in diameter and 3 millimetres in thickness;
(b)consist of a gold embossed design of aircraft, ship and tank with a gold laurel supporting it on the obverse side;
(c)on the reverse side, consist of a gold embossed tri-service crest on gold background and supported by a gold laurel; and
(d)be of the design set out in the Schedule to these Rules.
5.  The name of the recipient and the date of award shall be inscribed on the back of the Medal.
6.  Nominations for the award may be submitted to the Armed Forces Council which shall process them and make recommendations to the Cabinet for approval.
7.  The names of the persons to whom the Medal is awarded shall be published in the Gazette and a register of such names shall be kept in the office of the Minister of Defence.
8.—(1)  If a person to whom the Medal has been awarded under these Rules is convicted of a criminal offence or is dismissed or discharged from the Singapore Armed Forces for disciplinary reasons or for inefficiency, the President may, on the advice of the Cabinet, order the forfeiture of the Medal.
(2)  An award so forfeited may be restored by the President at his discretion.
(3)  [Deleted by S 210/2005 wef 04/04/2005]
9.—(1)  Where a Medal has been lost or destroyed and it is desired to replace it, a statutory declaration by the person to whom the Medal belonged stating the circumstances under which the loss or destruction occurred, his rank, name and the unit to which he belongs shall be forwarded to the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Defence through the usual channel of correspondence in the case of a serving officer, and direct to the Permanent Secretary (Defence) in the case of a person who has retired.
(2)  If the explanation as to the loss or destruction of the Medal is considered satisfactory, the Medal shall be replaced on payment being made by the recipient to cover the cost thereof.
Made this 31st day of July, 1981.
By Command,
Acting Secretary to the Cabinet,
[Mindef 4-4/26-9-6; AG./SL./40/80]