No. S 557
Town Councils Act
Town Councils (Exclusion of Property from
Definition of Common Property) Rules 2017
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 57 of the Town Councils Act, the Minister for National Development makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Rules are the Town Councils (Exclusion of Property from Definition of Common Property) Rules 2017 and come into operation on 3 October 2017.
2.  In these Rules —
“building” has the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the Building Control Act 1989, and any reference to a building includes a reference to a part of a building;
[S 702/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
“communal space”, for a building comprising Community Care Apartments, means any space in the building that is demarcated by the Board for communal use;
[S 702/2024 wef 16/09/2024]
“Community Care Apartments” means the category of flats sold subject to Part 4 of the Housing and Development Act 1959 with the provision of care services and social activities to residents of each flat;
[S 702/2024 wef 16/09/2024]
“housing estate under construction” means any land vested in or held in trust for the Board —
(a)that is the subject of an approval under section 5 of the Building Control Act 1989 for the plans of the building works carried out on the land; and
[S 702/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
(b)in respect of which no temporary occupation permit has been issued for any building where building works have been carried out under the approval;
“open space” means any area that is not in, on or part of a building;
“temporary occupation permit”, in respect of a building or part of a building in a housing estate, means —
(a)a temporary occupation permit granted under the Building Control Act 1989 for the building or part of the building; or
[S 702/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
(b)a certificate of statutory completion granted under that Act for that building or part of that building where no temporary occupation permit is so granted.
Exclusion of property
3.  For the purposes of paragraph (n) of the definition of “common property” in section 2(1) of the Act, “common property” does not include —
(a)the central television antenna system;
[S 702/2024 wef 16/09/2024]
(b)any open space in a housing estate under construction; and
[S 702/2024 wef 16/09/2024]
(c)any communal space in a building comprising Community Care Apartments.
[S 702/2024 wef 16/09/2024]
[S 702/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
4.  The Town Councils (Exclusion of Property from Definition of Common Property) Order (O 4) is revoked.
Made on 29 September 2017.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of National Development,
[ND 311/4-146 Pt59; AG/LEGIS/SL/329A/2015/27 Vol. 1]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 57(3) of the Town Councils Act).