Trade Unions (Amendment) Ordinance Bill
Bill 19 of 1963
Tourist Promotion Board Ordinance
Bill 5 of 1963
Telegraphs (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 209 of 1963
Supply Ordinance
Bill 10 of 1963
Societies (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 15 of 1963
Singapore Society of Accountants Ordinance
Bill 192 of 1963
Singapore Legislative Assembly Elections (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance
Bill 198 of 1963
Singapore Legislative Assembly Elections (Temporary Provisions) (No. 2) Ordinance
Bill 14 of 1963
Singapore Legislative Assembly Elections (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 18 of 1963
Singapore (Elections to the Federal House of Representatives) Ordinance
Bill 210 of 1963
Singapore (Election to the House of Representatives) Bill
Bill 1 of 1963
Seamen’s Registry Board (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 2 of 1963
Rubber Estates Assessment (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 193 of 1963
Public Utilities (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 16 of 1963
Property Tax (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 9 of 1963
Property Tax (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 214 of 1963
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 11 of 1963
Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 203 of 1963
Post Office (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 194 of 1963
Port of Singapore Authority Ordinance
Bill 3 of 1963