Appropriation Ordinance
Bill 206 of 1963
Auctioneers’ Licences (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 199 of 1963
Broadcasting and Television Ordinance
Bill 208 of 1963
Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 13 of 1963
Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 205 of 1963
Economic Defence (Direction of Employment) Ordinance
Bill 8 of 1963
Economic Defence Ordinance
Bill 7 of 1963
Final Appropriation (1962) Ordinance
Bill 213 of 1963
Final Supply (1962) Ordinance
Bill 6 of 1963
Financial Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 191 of 1963
Hotels (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 197 of 1963
Housing and Development (Amendment No. 2) Ordinance
Bill 12 of 1963
Housing and Development (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 190 of 1963
Inheritance (Family Provision) Ordinance
Bill 204 of 1963
Land Acquisition (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance
Bill 212 of 1963
Local Government Integration Ordinance
Bill 187 of 1963
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 4 of 1963
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 196 of 1963
Parking Places Ordinance
Bill 207 of 1963
Pensions (Amendment) Ordinance
Bill 189 of 1963