Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention, 1999) (Exclusion from Convention) Order
Central Provident Fund (Declaration of Rates of Interest) Notification
Central Provident Fund (Division of Fund-related Assets in Matrimonial Proceedings) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Exemption for Protection of Benefits under Part V Assurance) Order
Central Provident Fund (Medishield Scheme) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Topping-Up of Special Account) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Workfare Income Supplement Scheme) Regulations
Charities (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Charities (Fund-raising Appeals) Regulations
Charities (Institutions of A Public Character) Regulations
Charities (Large Charities) Regulations
Charities (Prohibition of Fund-Raising Appeal) Order
Charities (Prohibition of Fund-Raising Appeal) Order
Charities (Registration of Charities) Regulations
Charities (Sector Administrators) Regulations
Children Development Co-Savings (Application of Employment Act Provisions) Order
Children Development Co-Savings (Paid Maternity Leave and Adoption Leave) Regulations
Community Care Endowment Fund Act (Transfer Date) Notification
Computer Misuse (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Criminal Procedure Code (Pleading Guilty by Electronic Means) Regulations