Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Senior Diplomatic Officers) Order
Cap. CONST, OR 1
Carbon Pricing (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) Regulations 2018
Carbon Pricing (Composition of Offences) Regulations 2018
Carbon Pricing (Carbon Tax, Carbon Credits and Registries) Regulations 2020
Carbon Pricing (Appeals) Regulations 2020
Carbon Pricing (Registration and General Matters) Regulations 2018
Carriage by Air (Parties to Conventions) Order
Cap. 32A, OR 1
Carriage by Air (Singapore Currency Equivalents) Order
Cap. 32A, OR 2
Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention, 1999) (Exclusion from Convention) Order
Cap. 32B, OR 1
Carriage of Goods by Sea (Singapore Currency Equivalents) Order
Cap. 33, OR 1
Cattle Regulations
Cap. 34, RG 1
Cattle (Licence Fees) Regulations
Cap. 34, RG 2
Cattle (Unrestricted Areas) Notification
Cap. 34, N 1
Census Rules
Cap. 35, R 1
Census of Population and Agriculture (Consolidation) Orders
Cap. 35, OR 1
Census Notification
Cap. 35, N 1
Central Provident Fund (Specified Employment) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 1
Central Provident Fund (Revised Retirement Sum Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 2
Central Provident Fund (Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 3
Central Provident Fund (Approved Middle-Income Housing Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 4
Central Provident Fund (Residential Properties Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 6
Central Provident Fund (Investment Schemes) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 9
Central Provident Fund (Non-Residential Properties Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 10
Central Provident Fund (Approved Housing Schemes) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 12
Central Provident Fund (Ministry of Defence Housing Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 13
Central Provident Fund (Approved HDB-HUDC Housing Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 14
Central Provident Fund Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 15
Central Provident Fund (Retirement Sum Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 16
Central Provident Fund (Medisave Account Withdrawals) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 17
Central Provident Fund (Education Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 18
Central Provident Fund (Dependants’ Protection Insurance Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 19
Central Provident Fund (Self-Employed Persons) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 25
Central Provident Fund (Retirement Sum Plus Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 27
Central Provident Fund (New Retirement Sum Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 31
Central Provident Fund (Dependants’ Protection Insurance Scheme — Transfer of Liabilities) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 32
Central Provident Fund (MediShield Scheme — Transfer of MediShield Plus Liabilities) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 33
Central Provident Fund (Division of Fund-Related Assets in Matrimonial Proceedings) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 35
Central Provident Fund (Workfare Income Supplement Scheme) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 36
Central Provident Fund (Topping-Up of Special Account) Regulations
Cap. 36, RG 37
Central Provident Fund (Nominations) Rules
Cap. 36, R 1
Central Provident Fund (Composition of Offences) Rules
Cap. 36, R 2
Central Provident Fund Rules
Cap. 36, R 3
Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [SINDA]) Rules
Cap. 36, R 5
Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [CDAC]) Rules
Cap. 36, R 6
Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [Eurasian Association]) Rules
Cap. 36, R 7
Central Provident Fund (Retirement Sum Scheme Nominations) Rules
Cap. 36, R 8
Central Provident Fund (Modifications to Act for Design-Build-and-Sell Scheme) Order
Cap. 36, OR 7
Central Provident Fund (Exemption for Protection of Benefits under Part V Assurance) Order
Cap. 36, OR 8
Central Provident Fund (Approved Mortgagees) Notification
Cap. 36, N 3
Central Provident Fund (Home Protection Insurance Scheme — Exemption) Notification
Cap. 36, N 4