Waiver of Payment of Ground Rent (Spent)
Cap. 314, N 2
Waiver of Payment of Ground Rent (Spent)
S 533/2000
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2005 (Spent)
S 842/2005
Weights and Measures (Defences under Section 19) Regulations 2005 (Revoked)
S 845/2005
Weights and Measures (Fees) Regulations (Spent)
Cap. 349, RG 2
Weights and Measures (Prescribed Quantities of Pre-packed Goods for Sale by Retail) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 349, OR 2
Welfare Home (Spent)
S 524/1996
Welfare Home (Spent)
S 101/1997
Welfare Home (Spent)
S 221/1997
Welfare Home (Spent)
S 240/1997
Wholesome Meat and Fish (Enterprise Singapore Board — Exemption) Notification 2020 (Spent)
S 406/2020
Wholesome Meat and Fish (Exemption) Notification 2001 (Spent)
S 96/2001
Wholesome Meat and Fish (Labels for Chicken Products — Exemption) Notification 2022 (Spent)
S 467/2022
Wholesome Meat and Fish (ST Logistics Pte. Ltd. — Exemption) Notification 2020 (Spent)
S 374/2020
Wholesome Meat and Fish Act (Commencement) Notification 1999 (Spent)
S 552/1999
Wild Animals (Licensing) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 351, OR 2
Wild Animals and Birds (Bird Sanctuaries) Order (Revoked)
Cap. 351, OR 1
Wild Animals and Birds (Composition of Offences) Order 2005 (Revoked)
S 174/2005
Wildlife (Revocation) Rules 2020 (Spent)
S 413/2020
Women’s Charter (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 1997 (Spent)
S 177/1997