2020 |
Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006
2007 |
Workplace Safety and Health Act
2009 |
Workplace Safety and Health Act
1985 |
Workmen’s Compensation Act
1998 |
Workmen’s Compensation Act
2020 |
Workforce Singapore Agency Act 2003
2020 |
Work Injury Compensation Act 2019
2009 |
Work Injury Compensation Act
2020 |
Women’s Charter 1961
1997 |
Women’s Charter
1985 |
Women’s Charter
2009 |
Women’s Charter
2020 |
Wills Act 1838
1996 |
Wills Act
1985 |
Wills Act
2020 |
Wildlife Act 1965
2000 |
Wild Animals and Birds Act
1985 |
Wild Animals and Birds Act
2020 |
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Act 1904
1985 |
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Act
2020 |
Wholesome Meat and Fish Act 1999
2000 |
Wholesome Meat and Fish Act
2020 |
Weights and Measures Act 1975
1985 |
Weights and Measures Act
1985 |
Water Pollution Control and Drainage Act
2020 |
Vulnerable Adults Act 2018
2013 |
Voluntary Sterilization Act
1985 |
Voluntary Sterilization Act
2020 |
Voluntary Sterilisation Act 1974
1985 |
Voluntary Conveyances Act
1985 |
Vocational and Industrial Training Board Act
2020 |
Visiting Forces Act 1960
1985 |
Visiting Forces Act
2014 |
Visiting Forces Act
2020 |
Vigilante Corps Act 1967
2014 |
Vigilante Corps Act
1985 |
Vigilante Corps Act
2020 |
Victoria Theatre Act 1903
1985 |
Victoria Theatre Act
2020 |
Variable Capital Companies Act 2018
2020 |
Vandalism Act 1966
1985 |
Vandalism Act
2014 |
Vandalism Act
2020 |
Urban Redevelopment Authority Act 1989
1990 |
Urban Redevelopment Authority Act
1985 |
Urban Redevelopment Authority Act
2020 |
United Nations Personnel Act 2011
2012 |
United Nations Personnel Act
2020 |
United Nations Act 2001
2002 |
United Nations Act
1985 |
United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act
2020 |
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
1994 |
Unfair Contract Terms Act
2020 |
Undesirable Publications Act 1967
1985 |
Undesirable Publications Act
1998 |
Undesirable Publications Act
2020 |
Trustees Act 1967
1985 |
Trustees Act
1999 |
Trustees Act
2005 |
Trustees Act
2020 |
Trust Companies Act 2005
1985 |
Trust Companies Act
2006 |
Trust Companies Act
2020 |
Treasury Deposit Receipts Act 1960
1985 |
Treasury Deposit Receipts Act
2020 |
Treasurer of Presbyterian Church, Singapore Ordinance 1899
1985 |
Treasurer of Presbyterian Church, Singapore Ordinance
2020 |
Travel Agents Act 1975
1998 |
Travel Agents Act
1985 |
Travel Agents Act
1997 |
Transfer of the Nanyang University Alumni Register Act
2020 |
Transboundary Haze Pollution Act 2014
2020 |
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act 2000
2001 |
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act
2020 |
Trade Unions Act 1940
1985 |
Trade Unions Act
2004 |
Trade Unions Act
2020 |
Trade Marks Act 1998
1992 |
Trade Marks Act
1985 |
Trade Marks Act
2005 |
Trade Marks Act
1999 |
Trade Marks Act
2020 |
Trade Disputes Act 1941
1985 |
Trade Disputes Act
2014 |
Trade Disputes Act
1985 |
Trade Development Board Act
2001 |
Trade Development Board Act
2020 |
Town Councils Act 1988
1989 |
Town Councils Act
2000 |
Town Councils Act
1997 |
Town Councils Act
1985 |
Tourist Promotion Board Act
1985 |
Tourist Promotion (Cess Collection) Act
2020 |
Tokyo Convention Act 1971
1985 |
Tokyo Convention Act
2020 |
Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act 1993
2011 |
Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act
1985 |
Tin and Tin-Ore (Disclosure of Smelters’ Stocks) Act
1985 |
Timber Industry Act
2020 |
Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 1930
1994 |
Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act
2020 |
Terrorism (Suppression of Misuse of Radioactive Material) Act 2017
2020 |
Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act 2002
2003 |
Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act
2020 |
Terrorism (Suppression of Bombings) Act 2007
2008 |
Terrorism (Suppression of Bombings) Act
1985 |
Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878
2020 |
Termination of Pregnancy Act 1974
1985 |
Termination of Pregnancy Act
2020 |
Temasek Polytechnic Act 1990
1991 |
Temasek Polytechnic Act
2020 |
Telecommunications Act 1999
2000 |
Telecommunications Act
1993 |
Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Act
1985 |
Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Act
2020 |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1969
1985 |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act
1999 |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act
2007 |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act
2020 |
Supply of Goods Act 1982
1994 |
Supply of Goods Act
1999 |
Supply of Goods Act
2020 |
Sultan Hussain Ordinance 1904
1985 |
Sultan Hussain Ordinance
2000 |
Sultan Hussain Ordinance
1999 |
Subordinate Courts Act
1985 |
Subordinate Courts Act
2007 |
Subordinate Courts Act
2020 |
Street Works Act 1995
1996 |
Street Works Act
2020 |
Strategic Goods (Control) Act 2002
2003 |
Strategic Goods (Control) Act
2020 |
Straits Settlements and Johore Territorial Waters (Agreement) Act 1928
1985 |
Straits Settlements and Johore Territorial Waters (Agreement) Act 1928
1985 |
Statutory Declarations Act
2020 |
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act 1989
2000 |
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act
1998 |
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act
1990 |
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act
2004 |
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act
2020 |
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act 1983
1998 |
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act
2004 |
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act
1985 |
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act
1995 |
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act
2020 |
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act 1968
1985 |
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act
2014 |
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act
2020 |
Status of Children (Assisted Reproduction Technology) Act 2013
2015 |
Status of Children (Assisted Reproduction Technology) Act
2020 |
Statistics Act 1973
1991 |
Statistics Act
1985 |
Statistics Act
1999 |
Statistics Act
2012 |
Statistics Act
2020 |
States of Malaya Customs Duties Collection Act 1958
1985 |
States of Malaya Customs Duties Collection Act
2020 |
State Lands Encroachments Act 1883
1985 |
State Lands Encroachments Act
2020 |
State Lands Act 1920
1985 |
State Lands Act
1996 |
State Lands Act
2020 |
State Immunity Act 1979
2014 |
State Immunity Act
1985 |
State Immunity Act
2020 |
State Courts Act 1970
2002 |
Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board Act
2021 |
Stamp Duties Act 1929
2006 |
Stamp Duties Act
1997 |
Stamp Duties Act
2000 |
Stamp Duties Act
1985 |
Stamp Duties Act
2020 |
Spam Control Act 2007
2008 |
Spam Control Act
2020 |
Society of Saint Maur Incorporation Ordinance 1923
1985 |
Society of Saint Maur Incorporation Ordinance
2020 |
Societies Act 1966
1985 |
Societies Act
2014 |
Societies Act
1990 |
Smoking (Prohibition on Advertisements) Act
1985 |
Smoking (Prohibition on Advertisements) Act
2020 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act 1992
1998 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
2002 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
1993 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
1985 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
2003 |
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) Act
1994 |
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) Act
2020 |
Small Motorised Vehicles (Safety) Act 2020
2020 |
Small Claims Tribunals Act 1984
1985 |
Small Claims Tribunals Act
1996 |
Small Claims Tribunals Act
1998 |
Small Claims Tribunals Act
1985 |
Slaughter-houses and Meat Processing Factories Act
2020 |
SkillsFuture Singapore Agency Act 2016
2020 |
Skills Development Levy Act 1979
1998 |
Skills Development Levy Act
2012 |
Skills Development Levy Act
1992 |
Skills Development Levy Act
1985 |
Skills Development Levy Act
2004 |
Singapore Workforce Development Agency Act
2020 |
Singapore University of Technology and Design Act 2011
2012 |
Singapore University of Technology and Design Act
2020 |
Singapore University of Social Sciences Act 2017
2020 |
Singapore Tourism Board Act 1963
1997 |
Singapore Tourism Board Act
2020 |
Singapore Tourism (Cess Collection) Act 1972
1997 |
Singapore Tourism (Cess Collection) Act
2020 |
Singapore Totalisator Board Act 1987
2012 |
Singapore Totalisator Board Act
1999 |
Singapore Totalisator Board Act
1988 |
Singapore Totalisator Board Act
2020 |
Singapore Sports Council Act 1973
1985 |
Singapore Sports Council Act
2014 |
Singapore Sports Council Act
2020 |
Singapore Red Cross Society Act 1973
1985 |
Singapore Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act
2020 |
Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance 1918
1985 |
Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance
1996 |
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board Act
2020 |
Singapore Polytechnic Act 1954
1985 |
Singapore Polytechnic Act
2020 |
Singapore Management University Act 2000
2001 |
Singapore Management University Act
2014 |
Singapore Management University Act
2020 |
Singapore Land Authority Act 2001
2002 |
Singapore Land Authority Act
2020 |
Singapore Labour Foundation Act 1977
1985 |
Singapore Labour Foundation Act
2014 |
Singapore Labour Foundation Act
2020 |
Singapore Institute of Technology Act 2014
2015 |
Singapore Institute of Technology Act
1985 |
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Act
1993 |
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Act
2020 |
Singapore Food Agency Act 2019
1985 |
Singapore Family Planning and Population Board (Repeal) Act
2020 |
Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board Act 2003
2004 |
Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board Act
1985 |
Singapore Council of Social Service Act
2020 |
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises Act 1975
1985 |
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises Act
2020 |
Singapore Convention on Mediation Act 2020
2020 |
Singapore Business Federation Act 2001
2002 |
Singapore Business Federation Act
1985 |
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Act
1995 |
Singapore Broadcasting Authority Act
2020 |
Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act 1959
1985 |
Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act
2013 |
Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act
2020 |
Singapore Armed Forces Act 1972