Accountants (Accounting Corporations) Rules 2001
S 117/2001
Accountants (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2001
S 120/2001
Air Navigation (Changi Airport Fees) (Amendment) Order 2001
S 112/2001
Air Navigation (Licensing of Air Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 454/2001
Air Navigation (Prohibited Flights) Order 2001
S 455/2001
Appointment of Authorised Officers
S 201/2001
Appointment of Authorised Officers
S 219/2001
Appointment of Authorised Officers
S 566/2001
Appointment of Certifying Authorities
S 273/2001
Appointment of Competent Authority
S 110/2001
Appointment of Controller and Assistant Controller of Martial Arts
S 653/2001
Appointment of Deputy Registrars
S 381/2001
Appointment of Proper Authority
S 344/2001
Appointment of Registrar and Assistant Registrars of Political Donations
S 77/2001
Appointment of Registrar and Assistant Registrars of Political Donations
S 79/2001
Approved Hospitals and Health Care Institutions
S 331/2001
Approved Hospitals and Health Care Institutions
S 367/2001
Approved Hospitals and Health Care Institutions
S 414/2001
Approved Hospitals and Health Care Institutions
S 489/2001
Approved Hospitals and Health Care Institutions
S 603/2001
Approved Hospitals, Approved Clinics, Approved Centres, etc.
S 122/2001
Approved Institution
S 684/2001
Architects (Investigation Committees) Rules 2001
S 14/2001
Architects (Professional Conduct and Ethics) Rules 2001
S 15/2001
Arms and Explosives (Explosives) (Amendment) Rules 2001
S 138/2001
Arms and Explosives (Movement Control) (Amendment) Rules 2001
S 139/2001
Banking (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2001
S 349/2001
Banking (Licence Fees) Notification 2001
S 217/2001
Banking (Qualifying Subsidiary) (Transitional Provision) Order 2001
S 348/2001
Banking Regulations 2001
S 347/2001
Bankruptcy (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2001
S 142/2001
Betting and Sweepstakes Duties (Sports Betting Duty — Variation of Rate) Order 2001
S 292/2001
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Copyright Fees) Rules 2001
S 293/2001
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Map Production Service) Rules 2001
S 364/2001
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Prescribed Fees) Rules 2001
S 152/2001
Building Control (Accredited Checkers) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 164/2001
Building Control (Exemption for Public Authorities from Accredited Checker and Accredited Checking Organisation Requirements) Notification 2001
S 406/2001
Building Control (Exemption from Accredited Checking Organisation Requirements) Order 2001
S 405/2001
Bus Fares
S 319/2001
Bus, MRT and LRT (Transfer Rebates) Notification
S 320/2001
S 531/2001
Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2001
S 86/2001
Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2001
S 643/2001
Central Provident Fund (Approved HDB-HUDC Housing Scheme) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 651/2001
Central Provident Fund (Approved Housing Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 649/2001
Central Provident Fund (Dependants’ Protection Insurance Scheme) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 85/2001
Central Provident Fund (Exemptions — Miscellaneous) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2001
S 166/2001
Central Provident Fund (Government Employees) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 484/2001
Central Provident Fund (Home Protection Insurance Scheme) Regulations 2001
S 84/2001
Central Provident Fund (Investment Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
S 328/2001