1985 |
Accountants Act
1985 |
Administration of Muslim Law Act
1985 |
Adoption of Children Act
1985 |
Agricultural Pests Act
1985 |
Air Navigation Act
1985 |
Animals and Birds Act
1985 |
Apportionment Act
1985 |
Apportionment of Rents Act
1985 |
Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Act
1985 |
Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act
1985 |
Arbitration Act
1985 |
Architects Act
1985 |
Arms and Explosives Act
1985 |
Arms Offences Act
1985 |
Asian Development Bank Act
1985 |
Auctioneers’ Licences Act
1985 |
Audit Act
1985 |
Banishment Act
1985 |
Banking Act
1985 |
Bankruptcy Act
1985 |
Betting Act
1985 |
Betting and Sweepstake Duties Act
1985 |
Bills of Exchange Act
1985 |
Bills of Sale Act
1985 |
Bishop of Singapore Ordinance
1985 |
Boundaries and Survey Maps Act
1985 |
Boy Scouts Association Act
1985 |
Bretton Woods Agreements Act
1985 |
Broadcasting and Television Act
1985 |
Brothers of St. Gabriel Ordinance
1985 |
Building Control Act
1985 |
Buildings and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act
1985 |
Bus Services Licensing Authority Act
1985 |
Business Registration Act
1985 |
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
1985 |
Cattle Act
1985 |
Census Act
1985 |
Central Provident Fund Act
1985 |
Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Act
1985 |
Charities Act
1985 |
Children and Young Persons Act
1985 |
Chit Funds Act
1985 |
Christian Brothers’ Schools Visitor Ordinance
1985 |
Cinematograph Film Hire Duty Act
1985 |
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Act
1985 |
Civil Defence Act
1985 |
Civil Law Act
1985 |
Civil List and Pension Act
1985 |
Clean Air Act
1985 |
Coin Act
1985 |
Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation Act
1985 |
Commissions of Inquiry Act
1985 |
Common Gaming Houses Act
1985 |
Companies Act
1985 |
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore
1985 |
Construction Industry Development Board Act
1985 |
Consular Conventions Act
1985 |
Consumer Protection (Trade Descriptions and Safety Requirements) Act
1985 |
Contributory Negligence and Personal Injuries Act
1985 |
Control of Essential Supplies Act
1985 |
Control of Imports and Exports Act
1985 |
Control of Manufacture Act
1985 |
Control of Rent Act
1985 |
Controlled Plants Act
1985 |
Controlled Premises (Special Provisions) Act
1985 |
Conveyancing and Law of Property Act
1985 |
Co-operative Societies Act
1985 |
Copyright (Gramophone Records and Government Broadcasting) Act
1985 |
Copyright Act
1985 |
Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act
1985 |
Creche Establishments Act
1985 |
Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
1985 |
Criminal Procedure Code
1985 |
Currency Act
1985 |
Customs (Dumping and Subsidies) Act
1985 |
Customs Act
1985 |
Dangerous Fireworks Act
1985 |
Daughters of Charity of the Canossian Institute Incorporation Ordinance
1985 |
Debtors Act
1985 |
Decorations and Uniforms Act
1985 |
Defamation Act
1985 |
Dentists Act
1985 |
Departmental Titles (Alteration) Act
1985 |
Destitute Persons Act
1985 |
Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act
1985 |
Development Fund Act
1985 |
Development Loan Act
1985 |
Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act
1985 |
Diplomatic Privileges (Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act
1985 |
Distress Act
1985 |
District Grand Master of the Eastern Archipelago Ordinance
1985 |
Economic Development Board Act
1985 |
Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act
1985 |
Education Act
1985 |
Electric Lamp and Electric Appliances Act (Repealed)
1985 |
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Act
1985 |
Emergency (Essential Powers) Act
1985 |
Employment Act
1985 |
Employment Agencies Act
1985 |
Enlistment Act
1985 |
Entertainments Duty Act
1985 |
Environmental Public Health Act
1985 |
Estate Duty Act
1985 |
Evidence (Civil Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act
1985 |
Evidence Act
1985 |
Exchange Control Act
1985 |
Explosive Substances Act
1985 |
Export of Plants (Control) Act
1985 |
External Loans Act
1985 |
Extradition Act
1985 |
Factories Act
1985 |
Federal Lands Commissioner, Malaysia (Incorporation) Act
1985 |
Feeding Stuffs Act
1985 |
Fees Act
1985 |
Films Act
1985 |
Finance Companies Act
1985 |
Financial Procedure Act
1985 |
Fire Service Act
1985 |
Fisheries Act
1985 |
Foreign Recruiting Act
1985 |
Foreshores Act
1985 |
Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood Ordinance
1985 |
Free Trade Zones Act
1985 |
Frustrated Contracts Act
1985 |
Futures Trading Act
1985 |
Geneva Conventions Act
1985 |
Good Shepherd Nuns Ordinance
1985 |
Government Contracts Act
1985 |
Government Hospitals Act
1985 |
Government Loans (Conversion and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1985 |
Government Proceedings Act
1985 |
Guardianship of Infants Act
1985 |
High Court (Admiralty Jurisdiction) Act
1985 |
Hijacking and Protection of Aircraft Act
1985 |
Hindu Endowments Act
1985 |
Hire-Purchase Act
1985 |
Holidays Act
1985 |
Hotels Act
1985 |
House to House and Street Collections Act
1985 |
Housing and Development Act
1985 |
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act
1985 |
HUDC Housing Estates Act
1985 |
Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act
1985 |
Immigration Act
1985 |
Income Tax Act
1985 |
Indecent Advertisements Act
1985 |
Independence of Singapore Agreement 1965
1985 |
Industrial Relations Act
1985 |
Infectious Diseases Act
1985 |
Inheritance (Family Provision) Act
1985 |
Innkeepers Act
1985 |
Institute Of Education Act
1985 |
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Act
1985 |
Insurance Act
1985 |
Internal Security Act
1985 |
International Finance Corporation Act
1985 |
International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) Act
1985 |
Interpretation Act
1985 |
Intestate Succession Act
1985 |
Jewish Synagogue Ordinance
1985 |
Judges’ Remuneration Act
1985 |
Judicial Committee Act
1985 |
Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act
1985 |
Jurong Town Corporation Act
1985 |
Kidnapping Act
1985 |
Kwong-Wai-Shiu Hospital Ordinance
1985 |
Land Acquisition Act
1985 |
Land Improvement Act
1985 |
Land Officers Powers Act
1985 |
Land Revenue Collection Act
1985 |
Land Surveyors Act
1985 |
Land Titles (Strata) Act
1985 |
Land Titles Act
1985 |
Landmarks Act
1985 |
Legal Aid and Advice Act
1985 |
Legal Profession Act
1985 |
Legitimacy Act
1985 |
Limitation Act
1985 |
Little Sisters of the Poor Ordinance
1985 |
Loans (International Banks) Act
1985 |
Local Forces (Civil Liability) Act
1985 |
Local Government Integration Act
1985 |
Local Treasury Bills Act
1985 |
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act
1985 |
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
1985 |
Malaysia Revenue Vessels Act
1985 |
Martial Arts Instruction Act
1985 |
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Act
1985 |
Massage Establishments Act
1985 |
Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act
1985 |
Medical Registration Act
1985 |
Medicines (Advertisement and Sale) Act
1985 |
Medicines Act
1985 |
Mental Disorders and Treatment Act
1985 |
Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act
1985 |
Merchant Shipping Act
1985 |
Methodist Episcopal Location Board Ordinance
1985 |
Metrication Act
1985 |
Military Manoeuvres Act
1985 |
Minister for Finance (Incorporation) Act
1985 |
Minor Offences Act
1985 |
Missions Étrangères Ordinance
1985 |
Misuse of Drugs Act
1985 |
Monetary Authority of Singapore Act
1985 |
Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act
1985 |
Moneylenders Act
1985 |
Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) Act
1985 |
Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act
1985 |
Mutual Benefit Organisations Act
1985 |
Nanyang Technological Institute Act
1985 |
National Archives and Records Centre Act
1985 |
National Cadet Corps Act
1985 |
National Computer Board Act
1985 |
National Emblems (Control of Display) Act
1985 |
National Library Board Act
1985 |
National Maritime Board Act
1985 |
National Police Cadet Corps Act
1985 |
National Productivity Board Act
1985 |
National Registration Act
1985 |
National Servicemen (Employment) Act
1985 |
National Theatre Trust Act
1985 |
National University of Singapore Act
1985 |
Nature Reserves Act
1985 |
Newspaper and Printing Presses Act
1985 |
Ngee Ann Kongsi (Incorporation) Ordinance
1985 |
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Act
1985 |
Notaries Public Act
1985 |
Nurses and Midwives Act
1985 |
Nursing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Act
1985 |
Oaths Act
1985 |
Oaths of Office and Allegiance Act
1985 |
Official Secrets Act
1985 |
Parking Places (Surcharge) Act
1985 |
Parking Places Act
1985 |
Parks and Trees Act
1985 |
Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act
1985 |
Parliamentary Elections Act
1985 |
Parliamentary Pensions Act
1985 |
Passports Act
1985 |
Patents (Compulsory Licensing) Act
1985 |
Pawnbrokers Act
1985 |
Payroll Tax Act
1985 |
Penal Code
1985 |
Pensions (Expatriate Officers) Act
1985 |
Pensions Act
1985 |
People’s Association Act
1985 |
Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act
1985 |
Petroleum Act
1985 |
Pharmacists Registration Act
1985 |
Pineapple Industry Act (Repealed)
1985 |
Planning (Cancellation of Permission) Act
1985 |
Planning Act
1985 |
Poisons Act
1985 |
Police Force Act
1985 |
Port of Singapore Authority Act
1985 |
Portuguese Missions Ordinance
1985 |
Post Office Savings Bank of Singapore Act
1985 |
Premiums on Leases Act
1985 |
Presbyterian Church of England Mission Ordinance
1985 |
Presbyterian Church Ordinance
1985 |
Preservation of Monuments Act
1985 |
Preservation of the Peace Act
1985 |
Prevention of Corruption Act
1985 |
Prevention of Crimes Act
1985 |
Prevention of Pollution of the Sea Act
1985 |
Price Control Act
1985 |
Princess Elizabeth Fund Act
1985 |
Printers and Publishers Act
1985 |
Prisons Act
1985 |
Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act
1985 |
Private Investigation and Security Agencies Act
1985 |
Private Lotteries Act
1985 |
Probate and Administration Act
1985 |
Probation of Offenders Act
1985 |
Professional Engineers Act
1985 |
Property Tax (Surcharge) Act
1985 |
Property Tax Act
1985 |
Protected Areas and Protected Places Act
1985 |
Public Entertainments Act
1985 |
Public Order (Preservation) Act
1985 |
Public Service Commission Act
1985 |
Public Trustee Act
1985 |
Public Utilities Act
1985 |
Radiation Protection Act
1985 |
Railways Act
1985 |
Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act
1985 |
Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act
1985 |
Redemptorist Fathers Ordinance
1985 |
Redundancy Payments Fund Act
1985 |
Registration of Births and Deaths Act
1985 |
Registration of Criminals Act
1985 |
Registration of Deeds Act
1985 |
Registration of Imports and Exports Act
1985 |
Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act
1985 |
Regulation of Employment Act
1985 |
Republic of Singapore Independence Act
1985 |
Requisition of Resources Act
1985 |
Residential Property Act
1985 |
Revised Edition of the Laws Act
1985 |
Road Traffic Act
1985 |
Road Vehicles (Special Powers) Act
1985 |
Roman Catholic Archbishop Act
1985 |
Rubber Association of Singapore (Incorporation) Act
1985 |
Rubber Dealers Act
1985 |
Rubber Industry Act
1985 |
Saint Andrew’s Mission Hospital Ordinance
1985 |
Sale of Commercial Properties Act
1985 |
Sale of Drugs Act
1985 |
Sale of Food Act
1985 |
Salvation Army Ordinance
1985 |
Sand and Granite Quarries Act
1985 |
Scheut Missions Ordinance
1985 |
School Crossing Patrols Act
1985 |
Science Centre Act
1985 |
Science Council of Singapore Act
1985 |
Secondhand Dealers Act
1985 |
Secretary of the Synod of the Diocese of Singapore Ordinance
1985 |
Securities Industry Act
1985 |
Sedition Act
1985 |
Sentosa Development Corporation Act
1985 |
Service Lands Act
1985 |
Settled Estates Act
1985 |
Silver Jubilee Fund (Singapore) Act
1985 |
Singapore Armed Forces Act
1985 |
Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act
1985 |
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Act
1985 |
Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises Act
1985 |
Singapore Council of Social Service Act
1985 |
Singapore Family Planning and Population Board (Repeal) Act
1985 |
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Act
1985 |
Singapore Labour Foundation Act
1985 |
Singapore Polytechnic Act
1985 |
Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance
1985 |
Singapore Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act
1985 |
Singapore Sports Council Act
1985 |
Skills Development Levy Act
1985 |
Slaughter-houses and Meat Processing Factories Act
1985 |
Small Claims Tribunals Act
1985 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
1985 |
Smoking (Prohibition on Advertisements) Act
1985 |
Societies Act
1985 |
Society of Saint Maur Incorporation Ordinance
1985 |
Stamp Duties Act
1985 |
State Immunity Act
1985 |
State Lands Act
1985 |
State Lands Encroachments Act
1985 |
States of Malaya Customs Duties Collection Act
1985 |
Statistics Act
1985 |
Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act
1985 |
Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act
1985 |
Statutory Declarations Act
1985 |
Straits Settlements and Johore Territorial Waters (Agreement) Act 1928
1985 |
Subordinate Courts Act
1985 |
Sultan Hussain Ordinance
1985 |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act
1985 |
Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Act
1985 |
Termination of Pregnancy Act
1985 |
Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878
1985 |
Timber Industry Act
1985 |
Tin and Tin-Ore (Disclosure of Smelters’ Stocks) Act
1985 |
Tokyo Convention Act
1985 |
Tourist Promotion (Cess Collection) Act
1985 |
Tourist Promotion Board Act
1985 |
Trade Development Board Act
1985 |
Trade Disputes Act
1985 |
Trade Marks Act
1985 |
Trade Unions Act
1985 |
Travel Agents Act
1985 |
Treasurer of Presbyterian Church, Singapore Ordinance
1985 |
Treasury Deposit Receipts Act
1985 |
Trust Companies Act
1985 |
Trustees Act
1985 |
Undesirable Publications Act
1985 |
United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act
1985 |
Urban Redevelopment Authority Act
1985 |
Vandalism Act
1985 |
Victoria Theatre Act
1985 |
Vigilante Corps Act
1985 |
Visiting Forces Act
1985 |
Vocational and Industrial Training Board Act
1985 |
Voluntary Conveyances Act
1985 |
Voluntary Sterilization Act
1985 |
Water Pollution Control and Drainage Act
1985 |
Weights and Measures Act
1985 |
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Act
1985 |
Wild Animals and Birds Act
1985 |
Wills Act
1985 |
Women’s Charter
1985 |
Workmen’s Compensation Act
1988 |
Accountants Act
1988 |
Central Provident Fund Act
1988 |
Civil Law Act
1988 |
Companies Act
1988 |
Copyright Act
1988 |
Development Loan (1987) Act
1988 |
Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act
1988 |
Environmental Public Health Act
1988 |
Human Organ Transplant Act
1988 |
Intoxicating Substances Act
1988 |
Land Titles (Strata) Act
1988 |
Local Treasury Bills Act
1988 |
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Act
1988 |
Public Service (Variation of 1984 Annual Wage Increases) Act
1988 |
Public Transport Council Act
1988 |
Singapore Totalisator Board Act
1989 |
Carriage by Air Act
1989 |
Child Care Centres Act
1989 |
Contributory Negligence and Personal Injuries Act
1989 |
Homes for the Aged Act
1989 |
Parliamentary Elections Act
1989 |
Poisons Act
1989 |
Public Service (Monthly Variable Component and Non-pensionable Annual Allowance) Act
1989 |
Registration of Deeds Act
1989 |
Singapore Academy of Law Act
1989 |
Town Councils Act
1990 |
Building Control Act
1990 |
Companies Act
1990 |
Corruption (Confiscation of Benefits) Act
1990 |
Destitute Persons Act
1990 |
Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act
1990 |
Evidence Act
1990 |
Legal Profession Act
1990 |
Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act
1990 |
Planning Act
1990 |
Public Utilities Act
1990 |
Rubber Dealers Act
1990 |
Smoking (Prohibition on Advertisements) Act
1990 |
Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act
1990 |
Urban Redevelopment Authority Act
1991 |
Census Act
1991 |
Central Provident Fund Act
1991 |
Employment of Foreign Workers Act
1991 |
Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act
1991 |
National Parks Act
1991 |
National Science and Technology Board Act
1991 |
Newspaper and Printing Presses Act
1991 |
Parks and Trees Act
1991 |
Prevention of Pollution of the Sea Act
1991 |
School Boards (Incorporation) Act
1991 |
Statistics Act
1991 |
Temasek Polytechnic Act
1992 |
Architects Act
1992 |
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore
1992 |
Currency Act
1992 |
Economic Development Board Act
1992 |
Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act
1992 |
Enlistment Act
1992 |
Financial Procedure Act
1992 |
Income Tax Act
1992 |
Land Surveyors Act
1992 |
Nanyang Technological University Act
1992 |
National Arts Council Act
1992 |
National Productivity Board Act
1992 |
National Registration Act
1992 |
Parking Places Act
1992 |
Presidential Elections Act
1992 |
Professional Engineers Act
1992 |
Public Utilities Act
1992 |
Radiation Protection Act
1992 |
Skills Development Levy Act
1992 |
Trade Marks Act
1993 |
Commodity Futures Act
1993 |
Drug Trafficking (Confiscation of Benefits) Act
1993 |
Education Endowment Scheme Act
1993 |
Government Securities Act
1993 |
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Act
1993 |
Institute of Technical Education Act
1993 |
Nanyang Polytechnic Act
1993 |
National Council of Social Service Act
1993 |
Parking Places (Surcharge) Act
1993 |
Prevention of Corruption Act
1993 |
Rubber Industry Act
1993 |
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Act
1993 |
Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act
1993 |
Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Act
1994 |
Application of English Law Act
1994 |
Banking Act
1994 |
Bills of Lading Act
1994 |
Central Provident Fund Act
1994 |
Children and Young Persons Act
1994 |
Civil Law Act
1994 |
Civil List and Pension Act
1994 |
Companies Act
1994 |
Computer Misuse Act
1994 |
Control of Plants Act
1994 |
Conveyancing and Law of Property Act
1994 |
Corporate Bodies’ Contracts Act
1994 |
Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act
1994 |
Factors Act
1994 |
Fire Safety Act
1994 |
Goods and Services Tax Act
1994 |
Hindu Endowments Act
1994 |
Income Tax Act
1994 |
Insurance Act
1994 |
Land Titles Act
1994 |
Legal Profession Act
1994 |
Marine Insurance Act
1994 |
Medical Endowment Scheme Act
1994 |
Mercantile Law Amendment Act
1994 |
Minors’ Contracts Act