Air Navigation (Delegation of Powers) Notification
Air Navigation (Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Order
Animals and Birds (Composition of Offences) Rules
Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification
Animals and Birds (Exemption) Notification
Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) Rules
Animals and Birds (Ornamental Fish) Rules
Animals and Birds (Pet Shop and Exhibition) Rules
Animals and Birds (Veterinary Centres) Rules
Assignment of Function to Land Transport Authority of Singapore
Banking (Clearing House) Regulations
Banking (Exemption from Restrictions on Deposit-Taking) (Consolidation) Notification
Banking (Exemption from Restrictions on Issue of Stored Value Cards) Notification
Banking (Inducement to Use Credit Card or Charge Card for Purchase of Residential Property) Regulations
Banking (Licence Fees) Notification
Banking (Publication of Accounts) Regulations
Banking (Recognition of Persons Authorised to Receive Customer Information from Credit Bureau — Finance Company) Notification
Banking Regulations
Betting (International Football Matches Betting — Exemption) Notification
Betting (Non-S. League Football Matches Betting — Exemption) Notification
Bills of Exchange (Cheque Truncation) Regulations
Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification
Broadcasting (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Broadcasting (Exemption) (No. 2) Order
Broadcasting (Exemption) Order
Broadcasting (Television and Radio Licensing) Regulations
Broadcasting (TVRO System) Regulations
Building Control (Outdoor Advertising) Regulations
Business Registration (Exemption for Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) Notification
Business Registration (Identical Names) Rules
Business Registration Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Approved Mortgagees) Notification
Central Provident Fund (Exemption — Foreign Employees) Order
Central Provident Fund (Government Employees) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Permanent Residents — Employees) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Statutory Bodies and Aided Schools — Employees) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Withdrawals for ElderShield Scheme) Regulations
Common Gaming Houses (International Football Matches Gaming — Exemption) Notification
Common Gaming Houses (Non-s. League Football Matches Gaming — Exemption) Notification
Companies (Accounting Standards Committee) Regulations
Companies (Accounting Standards for Listed Companies) Order
Companies (Accounting Standards) Regulations
Companies (Accounts of Public Listed Companies) (Substitution of Period) Order
Companies (Exempt Private Companies) (Consolidation) Notification
Compulsory Education (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Compulsory Education (Exemption) Order
Compulsory Education (Prescribed Reasons) Regulations
Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations
Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations
Control of Vectors and Pesticides (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Control of Vectors and Pesticides (Prescribed Form) Regulations
Currency Notes and Coins (Consolidation) Notification
Customs (Fuel Tank — Prescribed Places) Regulations
Customs (Permits to Remove Goods) Order
Designated Schools
Destitute Persons (Welfare Homes) (Consolidation) Notification
Development Investment Fund (Cluster Development Fund Accounts) (Consolidation) Order
Development Investment Fund (MOH Holdings Account) Order
Development Investment Fund (Regional Investment Fund Account) Order
Development Investment Fund (Technopreneurship Investment Fund Account) Order
Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) (Qualifying Activity) Regulations
Electricity (Cable Detection Workers) Regulations
Electricity (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Electricity (Contestable Consumers) (No. 2) Regulations
Electricity (Electrical Installations) Regulations
Electricity (Electrical Workers) Regulations
Electricity (Electricity Generation and Retail Licence) (Exemption) Order
Electricity (Electricity Generation Licence) (Exemption) (No. 2) Order
Electricity (Licensing of Electrical and Supply Installations) (Exemption) Notification
Environmental Public Health (Composition of Offences) Rules
Executive Condominium Housing Scheme (Appointment of Developers) (Consolidation) Notification
Exemption from Section 23 (1)
Factories (Examination and Test of Steam Boilers) (Exemption) Order
Fees (Copyright Act — Border Enforcement Measures) Order
Fees (Income Tax) Order
Fees (Trade Marks Act — Border Enforcement Measures) Order
Films (Fees) Regulations
Films (Licensing and Classification) Regulations
Finance Companies (Exemption from sections 23 (1) and 25 (2)) (Consolidation) Notification
Financial Advisers (Appeals) Regulations
Financial Advisers (Exemption from Requirement to Hold Representative’s Licence) Regulations
Financial Advisers (Insurance Broking Premium Accounts) (Transitional and Savings Provisions) Regulations
Financial Advisers (Transitional and Savings Provisions) Regulations
Financial Advisers Regulations
Fire Safety (Registered Inspectors) (Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics) Regulations
Goods and Services Tax (Non-Taxable Government Supplies) Order
Government Procurement (Application) Order
Government Procurement (Challenge Proceedings) Regulations
Government Procurement Regulations
Home Affairs Uniformed Services (INVEST Fund) Regulations
Home Affairs Uniformed Services (INVEST Plan) Regulations
House to House and Street Collections (National Council of Social Service) (Exemption) Notification
Housing and Development (Agreements for Sale and Purchase) Rules
Housing and Development (Mortgage to Lender) Rules
Housing and Development (Precincts for Lift Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (Consolidation) Order
Income Tax (Singapore — Austria) (Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement) Order 2002
Income Tax (Singapore — Romania) (Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement) Order 2002
Income Tax (Singapore-Finland) (Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement) Order 2002
Institute of Technical Education Regulations