Women’s Charter (Matrimonial Property Plan) Rules
Use of Seletar Aerodrome
Trade Marks Rules
Town Council of Potong Pasir (Prohibiting and Regulating of Parking of Vehicles) By-laws
Town Council of City Centre (Penalties and Administrative Fee for Late Payment of Conservancy and Service Charges, Licence Fees and Other Charges) By-laws
Tokyo Convention (Convention Countries) Notification
Stamp Duties (Seller’s Duty) Remission Order
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Licensing) Regulations
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Labelling) Regulations
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Foreign Newspapers) (Consolidation) Notification
Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Singapore Standard Time Notification
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board (Certification Marks) (Consolidation) Notification
Singapore Armed Forces (SAVER Plan) Regulations
Singapore Armed Forces (SAVER Fund) Regulations
Singapore Armed Forces (Authorised Deductions) Regulations
Schemes of Service Excluded from Regulations
Registration of Deeds Rules
Registration of Births and Deaths Rules
Public Utilities (Tariffs for Water) Regulations
Public Accountants Board Rules
Protected Places (Consolidation) Order
Property Tax (Exemption of Land under Development) Order
Prohibited Places Order
Private Investigation and Security Agencies Regulations
Presidential Elections (Posters and Banners) Regulations
Presidential Elections (Forms and Fees) Regulations
Presidential Elections (Certificate of Eligibility) Regulations
Preservation of Monuments (Consolidation) Order
Planning (Master Plan) Rules
Planning (Housing and Development Board Outdoor Refreshment Areas) (Exemption) Notification
Planning (Fees) Rules
Planning (Electronic Transmission) Rules
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Pensions (Pensionable Allowances) Regulations
Pensions (Pension Authority) Order
Pensions (Conversion to the Central Provident Fund Scheme) Regulations
Passports Regulations
Passports (Authorised Officers) Regulations
Order under Section 11 (3)
Order under Section 11 (3)
Notification under Section 4 (1)(a)(i)
Notice under Section 17 (5)
Notice under Section 17 (5)
Notice under Section 17 (5)
Notice under Section 17 (5)
National Registration (Photographs) Regulations
Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) (Exemption) Notification
Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) (Prohibition of Assemblies and Processions — Subordinate Courts) Order
Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) (Prohibition of Assemblies and Processions — Parliament and Supreme Court) Order
Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) (Emergency Telephone Numbers) Order
Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) (Election Meetings) Rules
Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) (Assemblies and Processions) Rules
Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution) (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations
Medicines (Veterinary Medicinal Products) (Import and Product Licences) Regulations
Medicines (Veterinary Medicinal Products) (Exemption) Order
Medicines (Traditional Medicines, Homoeopathic Medicines and other Substances) (Exemption) Order
Medicines (Registration of Pharmacies) Regulations
Medicines (Quality of Condoms) (Specification and Prohibition) Order
Medicines (Prohibition of Sale and Supply) Order
Medicines (Orphan Drugs) (Exemption) Order
Medicines (Non-Medicinal Products) (Consolidation) Order
Medicines (Medical Advertisements) Regulations
Medicines (Licensing, Standard Provisions and Fees) Regulations
Medicines (Labelling) Regulations
Medicines (Labelling of Chinese Proprietary Medicines) Regulations
Medicines (Labelling of Aspirin Products) Regulations
Medicines (Import of Condoms) Regulations
Medicines (Export Licence for Psychotropic Substances) Regulations
Medicines (Exemption) Order
Medicines (Exemption) (No. 4) Order
Medicines (Exemption) (No. 3) Order
Medicines (Exemption) (No. 2) Order
Medicines (Exemption of Registered Pharmacy from Wholesale Dealer’s Licence) Order
Medicines (Cosmetic Products) (Specification and Prohibition) Order
Medicines (Contact Lens Substances) (Specification and Prohibition) Order
Medicines (Contact Lens Substances) (Labelling and Containers) Regulations
Medicines (Clinical Trials) Regulations
Medicines (Chinese Proprietary Medicines) (Exemption) Order
Medicines (Advertisement) (Exemption) Order
Medical Registration Regulations
Martial Arts Instruction Regulations
Martial Arts Instruction (Exemption) Notification
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Scale of Dues, Rates and General Fees) Notification
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Registration and Employment of Seamen) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Pleasure Craft) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Pilotage) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Pilotage District) Notification
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Licence Fees) Notification
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Height Restricted Areas) Notification
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Harbour Craft) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Harbour Craft Manning Licence Examination) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Dangerous Goods, Petroleum and Explosives) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Anchorages and Fairways) Notification
Legal Profession Act (Appointed Day for purposes of section 75B) Notification
Legal Profession (Publicity) Rules