1961 |
Singapore Police Long Service Medal
Regulations 1961
S 297/1961
1963 |
Protected Areas (No. 2) Order 1963
S 58/1963
1964 |
Pingat Perkhidmatan Anggota Beruniform Malaysia (The Uniformed Services Malaysia Medal) Rules 1964
S 142/1964
1970 |
Pingat Pertahanan (The Defence Medal) Rules 1970
S 200/1970
1973 |
Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Service Medal Rules 1973
S 58/1973
1974 |
Pingat Polis Perkasa (The Police Gallantry
Medal) Rules 1974
S 303/1974
1974 |
Singapore Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Rules 1974
S 304/1974
1974 |
Vigilante Corps Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal Rules 1974
S 305/1974
1975 |
Singapore Armed Forces Good Service Medal Rules 1975
S 217/1975
1981 |
Darjah Utama Bakti Chemerlang (Tentera) — (The Distinguished Service Order — Military) Rules 1981
S 253/1981
1981 |
Pingat Berkebolehan (Tentera) — (the Efficiency Medal — Military) Rules 1981
S 258/1981
1981 |
Pingat Gagah Perkasa (Tentera) — (The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal — Military) Rules 1981
S 254/1981
1981 |
Pingat Jasa Gemilang (Tentera) — (the Meritorious Service Medal — Military) Rules 1981
S 255/1981
1981 |
Pingat Penghargaan (Tentera) — (Commendation Medal — Military) Rules 1981
S 257/1981
1981 |
Pingat Pentadbiran Awam (Tentera) — (the Public Administration Medal — Military) Rules 1981
S 256/1981
1981 |
Singapore Cultural Medallion Rules 1981
S 77/1981
1984 |
Protected Areas (No. 6) Order 1984
S 301/1984
1987 |
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (Composition of Offences) Regulations 1987
S 104/1987
1989 |
National Library Rules 1989
S 459/1989
1991 |
Income Tax (Industrial Building or Structure) Rules 1991
S 406/1991
1991 |
Radiation Protection (Non-Ionising Radiation) Regulations 1991
S 479/1991
1991 |
Skills Development Levy Regulations 1991
S 258/1991
1992 |
Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [CDAC]) Rules 1992
S 355/1992
1992 |
Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [SINDA]) Rules 1992
S 157/1992
1992 |
Endangered Species (Import and Export) (Prohibition of Sale) Notification 1992
S 466/1992
1992 |
Income Tax (Provisions by Banks) (Definition of Loan) Rules 1992
S 399/1992
1993 |
Declaration of the Singapore Armed Forces Installation as an Installation to which the Act applies
S 365/1993
1993 |
National Library (Amendment) Rules 1993
S 261/1993
1993 |
Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 1993
S 31/1993
1993 |
State Lands Rules 1993
S 290/1993
1994 |
Central Provident Fund (Prescribed Amount for Medisave Account) Regulations 1994
S 112/1994
1994 |
Endangered Species (Import and Export) (Prohibition of Sale) (Amendment) Notification 1994
S 345/1994
1994 |
Fire Safety (Fire Safety Managers) Regulations 1994
S 167/1994
1994 |
Fire Safety (Registered Inspectors) Regulations 1994
S 166/1994
1994 |
Legal Profession (Qualified Persons) Rules 1994
S 51/1994
1994 |
Mass Rapid Transit (Railway Protection, Restricted Activities) Regulations 1994
S 204/1994
1994 |
Road Traffic (Exemption of Heavy Vehicles) Order 1994
S 265/1994
1994 |
Road Traffic (Exemption of Private Hire Buses Used for the Bus-Plus Scheme) Order 1994
S 304/1994
1994 |
Singapore Civil Defence Force Good Service Medal Rules 1994
S 126/1994
1994 |
Singapore Civil Defence Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Rules 1994
S 125/1994
1994 |
Singapore Police Service Good Service Medal Rules 1994
S 124/1994
1994 |
Singapore Police Service Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Rules 1994
S 123/1994
1994 |
Small Claims Tribunals — Change of Address
S 151/1994
1995 |
Appointment of Competent Authority
S 391/1995
1995 |
Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [Eurasian Association]) Rules 1995
S 118/1995
1995 |
Central Provident Fund (Exemption — Foreign Employees) Order 1995
S 320/1995
1995 |
Central Provident Fund (MediShield Scheme — Exemption) Notification 1995
S 373/1995
1995 |
Central Provident Fund (MediShield Scheme) Regulations 1995
S 361/1995
1995 |
Central Provident Fund (Minimum Sum Scheme Nominations) Rules 1995
S 272/1995
1995 |
Central Provident Fund (Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme) Regulations 1995
S 306/1995