Agri-food and Veterinary Authority Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 167/2000
Air Navigation (Amendment No. 2) Order 2000
S 384/2000
Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2000
S 325/2000
Amendment to Schedule to Civil List and Pension Act
S 143/2000
Animal and Bird Shop, Poultry Shop and Hatchery (Licensing and Control) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 85/2000
Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 84/2000
Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 86/2000
Animals and Birds (Quarantine) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 87/2000
Animals and Birds (Veterinary Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 88/2000
Appointment of Analysts
S 38/2000
Appointment of Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners
S 265/2000
Appointment of Competent Authority
S 476/2000
Appointment of Controller and Assistant Controller of Martial Arts
S 330/2000
Appointment of Controller, Deputy Controllers and Assistant Controllers of Weights and Measures and Weights and Measures Inspectors
S 153/2000
Appointment of Deputy Registrars
S 565/2000
Appointment of Director-General, Agri-food and Veterinary Services
S 172/2000
Appointment of Licensing Officer and Assistant Licensing Officers
S 262/2000
Appointment of Licensing Officer and Assistant Licensing Officers
S 331/2000
Appointment of Licensing Officers and Assistant Licensing Officers
S 264/2000
Appointment of Lock-ups to Be Places of Confinement
S 472/2000
Appointment of Persons to Grant Licences
S 263/2000
Appointment of Postal Authority
S 1/2000
Appointment of Superintendents of Prisons
S 126/2000
Approved Hospitals
S 525/2000
Approved Hospitals and Medical Institutions
S 447/2000
Approved Hospitals, Approved Clinics, Approved Centres, etc.
S 524/2000
Approved Tertiary Institution
S 245/2000
Architects (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 394/2000
Assignment under Section 6(3)
S 151/2000
Auctioneers’ Licences (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 343/2000
Authorised Officers
S 536/2000
Bankruptcy (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 110/2000
Building Control (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 457/2000
Building Control (Buildable Design) Regulations 2000
S 564/2000
Bus Fares
S 253/2000
Bus, MRT and LRT (Transfer Rebates) Notification
S 254/2000
Business Registration (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 386/2000
Business Registration (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 25/2000
Business Registration (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 26/2000
Cancellation of Direction under Section 11(c)
S 317/2000
Cancellation of Direction under Section 27(1)(d)
S 214/2000
Cancellation of Direction under Section 27(1)(d)
S 318/2000
Cancellation of Registration of Pesticides
S 327/2000
Census 2000
S 215/2000
Census Rules 2000
S 237/2000
Central Provident Fund (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 589/2000
Central Provident Fund (Education Scheme) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 244/2000
Central Provident Fund (Government Employees) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 614/2000
Central Provident Fund (Government Employees) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 155/2000
Central Provident Fund (Investment Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 104/2000
Central Provident Fund (Investment Schemes) Regulations 2000
S 609/2000
Central Provident Fund (Medisave Account Withdrawals) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 526/2000
Central Provident Fund (Medisave Account Withdrawals) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 435/2000
Central Provident Fund (Minimum Sum Plus Scheme) Regulations 2000
S 610/2000
Central Provident Fund (Minimum Sum Scheme Nominations) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 592/2000
Central Provident Fund (Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 590/2000
Central Provident Fund (Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 315/2000
Central Provident Fund (Nominations) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 591/2000
Central Provident Fund (Permanent Residents — Employees) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 611/2000
Central Provident Fund (Permanent Residents — Employees) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 154/2000
Central Provident Fund (Prescribed Amount for Medisave Account) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 274/2000
Central Provident Fund (Private Medical Insurance Scheme) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 347/2000
Central Provident Fund Act (Amendment of First Schedule) (No. 2) Notification 2000
S 612/2000
Central Provident Fund Act (Amendment of First Schedule) Notification 2000
S 156/2000
Central Provident Fund Act (Amendment of Third Schedule) Notification 2000
S 258/2000
Cessation of Approved Institution
S 22/2000
Cessation of Prison
S 23/2000
Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 251/2000
Child Care Centres (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 44/2000
Civil Defence Shelter (Exemption) Order 2000
S 297/2000
Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunication Services
S 412/2000
Common Gaming Houses (Private Bodies — Exemption) Notification 2000
S 127/2000
Companies (Advertisement on Internet) Notification 2000
S 53/2000
Companies (Exemption) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 52/2000
Companies (Exemption) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 467/2000
Companies (Winding Up) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 118/2000
Companies Act (Amendment of Second Schedule) Notification 2000
S 387/2000
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Responsibilitiy of the Minister for Home Affairs) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 354/2000
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Responsibility for the Portfolio of the Minister for Community Development and Sports) Notification
S 184/2000
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Responsibility of the Minister for Community Development and Sports) Notification 2000
S 183/2000
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Responsibility of the Minister for National Development) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 182/2000
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Responsibility of the Minister for the Environment) Notification 2000
S 454/2000
Contact Lens Practitioners (Approved Qualifications) Order 2000
S 51/2000
Control of Plants (Analysis and Inspection Service Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 94/2000
Control of Plants (Cultivation of Plants) (Licensing and Certification) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 90/2000
Control of Plants (Import and Transhipment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 89/2000
Control of Plants (Phytosanitary Certification) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 92/2000
Control of Plants (Plant Health Services Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 93/2000
Control of Plants (Plant Importation) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 91/2000
Control of Vectors and Pesticides (Composition of Offences) Regulations 2000
S 518/2000
Control of Vectors and Pesticides (Registration, Licensing and Certification) Regulations 2000
S 366/2000
Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 541/2000
Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties (Expedited Review of Anti-dumping Duties) Determination 2000
S 306/2000
Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act (Amendment of First Schedule) Notification 2000
S 31/2000
Criminal Procedure Code (Pleading Guilty by Electronic Means) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 10/2000
Currency Act — Denominations and Characteristics of the Coins to Be Issued
S 432/2000
Currency Act — Denominations and Characteristics of the Coins to Be Issued
S 599/2000
Customs (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 616/2000
Customs (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 615/2000
Customs (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 158/2000
Customs (Authorised Piers and Places for Import by Sea) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 308/2000
Customs (Authorised Piers and Places for Transhipment, Export and Transit by Sea) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 307/2000
Customs (Authorised Piers and Places for Transhipment, Export and Transit by Sea) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 35/2000
Customs (Drawback) Notification 2000
S 623/2000
Customs (Liquors Licensing) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 617/2000
Customs (Liquors Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 419/2000
Customs (Liquors Licensing) (Exemption) Order 2000
S 619/2000
Customs (Miscellaneous Fees) Notification 2000
S 159/2000
Customs (Offices and Stations) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 285/2000
Customs (Petroleum Exemption — Pulau Ayer Merbau) (Cancellation) Notification 2000
S 390/2000
Customs (Valuation) (Import Duty) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 618/2000
Customs Duties (Amendment No. 2) Order 2000
S 620/2000
Customs Duties (Amendment) Order 2000
S 72/2000
Customs Duties (Exemption) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2000
S 621/2000
Customs Duties (Exemption) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 389/2000
Customs Duties (Rebate on Motor Cars) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 622/2000
Declaration of Prison
S 121/2000
Declaration of Prison
S 122/2000
Defence Science and Technology Agency Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 119/2000
Delegation of Powers
S 337/2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 2000
S 289/2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 2000
S 405/2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2000
S 516/2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2000
S 550/2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2000
S 233/2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2000
S 413/2000
Departmental Titles (Alteration) Act (Amendment of Schedule) Notification 2000
S 173/2000
Designation of Authorised Person
S 377/2000
Developmental Investment Fund Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 120/2000
Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Fees) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 168/2000
Drugs (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 213/2000
Education Endowment Scheme (Prescribed Schools) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 365/2000
Education Endowment Scheme (Prescribed Schools) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 241/2000
Employment (Recommendations for Annual Wage Increases) Notification 2000
S 309/2000
Employment of Foreign Workers (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 46/2000
Endangered Species (Import and Export) (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 95/2000
Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Notification 2000
S 332/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Air Impurities) Regulations 2000
S 595/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2000
S 605/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Fees for Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 129/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 603/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 128/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Ozone Depleting Substances) Regulations 2000
S 604/2000
Environmental Pollution Control (Vehicular Emissions) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 554/2000
Environmental Public Health (Cemeteries) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 494/2000
Environmental Public Health (Cemeteries) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 147/2000
Environmental Public Health (Composition of Offences) Rules 2000
S 495/2000
Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 222/2000
Environmental Public Health (Licence Fees) (Cancellation) Notification 2000
S 136/2000
Environmental Public Health (Licence Fees) Regulations 2000
S 135/2000
Environmental Public Health (Public Cleansing) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 221/2000
Environmental Public Health (Toxic Industrial Waste) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 130/2000
Estate Duty (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 582/2000
Estate Duty (Lem Chu Kem also known as Lem Chu Kem Theresa, Deceased) (Remission) Order 2000
S 355/2000
Estate Duty (Prescribed Forms) (Revocation) Rules 2000
S 455/2000
Exchanges (Demutualisation and Merger) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 426/2000
Executive Condominium Housing Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 6/2000
Executive Condominium Housing Scheme (Appointment of Developers) Notification 2000
S 473/2000
Exemption from Section 23(1)
S 496/2000
Exemption of Futures Brokers from Section 37c of the Act
S 555/2000
Factories (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 71/2000
Factories (Applications for Registration of Factories) (Modification) (Revocation) Rules 2000
S 70/2000
Factories (Hoists and Lifts) (Exemption) Order 2000
S 523/2000
Factories (Persons-In-Charge) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 522/2000
Factories (Registration and Other Services — Fees and Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 195/2000
Factories (Safety Management System) Order 2000
S 505/2000
Feeding Stuffs (Licensing, Analysis and Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 96/2000
Fees (Appeals Board) (Land Acquisition) Order 2000
S 174/2000
Fees (Citizenship Certificates, etc.) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 178/2000
Fees (Land Office) Order 2000
S 175/2000
Fees (Ministry of Health) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 224/2000
Fees (Police Services) Order 2000
S 519/2000
Fees (Singapore Civil Defence Force) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2000
S 177/2000
Fees (Singapore Civil Defence Force) (Amendment No. 3) Order 2000
S 291/2000
Fees (Singapore Civil Defence Force) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 17/2000
Fees (Supply of Non-Potable Water) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 520/2000
Fees (Surveys) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 176/2000
Fees (Winding Up of Companies) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 179/2000
Films (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 458/2000
Fire Safety (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 180/2000
Fire Safety (Building Fire Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 181/2000
Fire Safety (Dangerous Trades or Purposes) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 448/2000
Fire Safety Act (Amendment of First Schedule) Notification 2000
S 449/2000
Fisheries (Fish Culture Farms) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 101/2000
Fisheries (Fishing Gear) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 100/2000
Fisheries (Fishing Harbour) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 99/2000
Fisheries (Fishing Vessels) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 98/2000
Fisheries (Import, Export and Marketing) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 97/2000
Food (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 238/2000
Food (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 131/2000
Free Trade Zones (Appointment of Authorities to Administer Free Trade Zones) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 597/2000
Free Trade Zones (Declared Areas) (Amendment No. 2) Notification 2000
S 598/2000
Free Trade Zones (Declared Areas) (Amendment) (Revocation) Notification 2000
S 596/2000
Free Trade Zones (Declared Areas) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 535/2000
Futures Trading (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 106/2000
Futures Trading (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 105/2000
Futures Trading (Exempt Futures Market) Declaration 2000
S 185/2000
Futures Trading (Foreign Exchange Trading and Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading) (Modification of Definition) Order 2000
S 407/2000
Futures Trading (Prescribed Financial Instruments) Order 2000
S 408/2000
Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 575/2000
Goods and Services Tax (Application of Legislation relating to Customs and Excise Duties) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 36/2000
Goods and Services Tax (Excluded Transactions) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 203/2000
Goods and Services Tax (General) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2000
S 160/2000
Goods and Services Tax (General) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2000
S 576/2000
Goods and Services Tax (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 7/2000
Goods and Services Tax (Imports Relief) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 169/2000
Goods and Services Tax Act (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order 2000
S 204/2000
Government Contracts (Authorisation) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 157/2000
Government Contracts (Authorisation) Notification 2000
S 227/2000
Government Hospitals (Fees) (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2000
S 344/2000
Government Hospitals (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 230/2000
Government Securities (Amendment) Regulations 2000
S 353/2000
Housing and Development (Amendment) Act (Commencement) Notification 2000
S 298/2000
Housing and Development (Common Property and Open Spaces) (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2000
S 549/2000
Housing and Development (Common Property and Open Spaces) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 398/2000
Housing and Development (Polling for Upgrading Works) (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 299/2000
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) (No. 2) Order 2000
S 471/2000
Housing and Development (Precincts for Upgrading Works) Order 2000
S 123/2000
Housing Developers (Amendment) Rules 2000
S 444/2000
Immigration (Authorised Places of Entry and Departure) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Notification 2000
S 292/2000
Immigration Depot
S 293/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 10) Order 2000
S 319/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 11) Order 2000
S 338/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 12) Order 2000
S 349/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 13) Order 2000
S 359/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 14) Order 2000
S 399/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 15) Order 2000
S 409/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 16) Order 2000
S 422/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 17) Order 2000
S 452/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 18) Order 2000
S 453/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 19) Order 2000
S 464/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2000
S 5/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 20) Order 2000
S 465/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 21) Order 2000
S 468/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 22) Order 2000
S 485/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 23) Order 2000
S 489/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 24) Order 2000
S 531/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 25) Order 2000
S 532/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 26) Order 2000
S 542/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 27) Order 2000
S 547/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 28) Order 2000
S 548/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 3) Order 2000
S 48/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 4) Order 2000
S 49/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 5) Order 2000
S 114/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 6) Order 2000
S 223/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 7) Order 2000
S 273/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 8) Order 2000
S 294/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment No. 9) Order 2000
S 302/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 4/2000
Income Tax (Approved Banks) (No. 2) (Amendment) Order 2000
S 498/2000